Location Performance Update
El Paso Natural Gas 15h ago
All information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.
TSP/TSP Name: 8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): OVER-UNDER PERFORMANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): THIRD PARTY |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 03/08/2025 5:24:12PM | Notice End Date/Time: 03/09/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 3/8/2025 5:24:12 PM | Notice ID: 624306 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE | Prior Notice: 624303 |
Subject: Location Performance Update |
March 8, 2025
Location Performance Update
The following location(s) have shown sufficient improvement and, therefore, will not have a performance cap for today's gas day.
Loc |
Loc Name |
Flow Dir |
Zone |
Segment |
Pooling Area |
County/State |
Action |
801264 |
Receipt |
TX-P |
940 |
Watchlist Lift |
For scheduling questions, call the Nominations and Scheduling representative or the Scheduling Hotline at 1-800-238-3764.
For Marketing assistance, call your Marketing representative.
Freddie Salas, Manager
Nominations and Scheduling
(719) 520-4238
TSP/TSP Name: 8001703-EL PASO NATURAL GAS CO. L.L.C. | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): OVER-UNDER PERFORMANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): THIRD PARTY |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 03/08/2025 5:24:12PM | Notice End Date/Time: 03/09/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 3/8/2025 5:24:12 PM | Notice ID: 624306 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE | Prior Notice: 624303 |
Subject: Location Performance Update |
March 8, 2025
Location Performance Update
The following location(s) have shown sufficient improvement and, therefore, will not have a performance cap for today's gas day.
Loc |
Loc Name |
Flow Dir |
Zone |
Segment |
Pooling Area |
County/State |
Action |
801264 |
Receipt |
TX-P |
940 |
Watchlist Lift |
For scheduling questions, call the Nominations and Scheduling representative or the Scheduling Hotline at 1-800-238-3764.
For Marketing assistance, call your Marketing representative.
Freddie Salas, Manager
Nominations and Scheduling
(719) 520-4238