Gulf South Pipeline Icon

Safe Harbor Waiver - Loc 24329 Stratton Ridge

Gulf South Pipeline 1mo ago

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Post Date/Time:


07/24/2024  08:46:26PM


TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC

Notice Effective Date/Time: 07/24/2024  08:50:00PM

Notice Type Desc: Gas Quality

Safe Harbor Waiver - Loc 24329 Stratton Ridge




Notice Stat Desc:

Prior Notice:

Notice ID:

Response Date/Time:

Reqrd Rsp Desc:

Notice End Date/Time: 07/25/2024 09:00:00 AM

Critical: Y

No response required

Currently, gas flowing to delivery location 24329 STRATTON RIDGE (TO FREEPORT) is out of spec for 
“Nitrogen”. Freeport has issued a waiver for "Nitrogen" up to 1.2 mol% effective for gas day 7/24/2024 
through gas day 7/25/2024.  
Freeport reserves the right to rescind the waiver at any time.  All shippers delivering to this location 
should continue to evaluate their receipts and respective gas quality to make adjustments to the blended 
gas quality as necessary for future gas cycles.  
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions.

Notice Text:

07/24/2024  8:49:04PM

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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP:  78444247
Category: Critical
Post Date/Time: 07/24/2024  08:46:26PM
Notice Type Desc: Gas Quality
Notice Effective Date/Time: 07/24/2024  08:50:00PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice End Date/Time: 07/25/2024 09:00:00 AM
Notice ID:  5035270
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
 Subject: Safe Harbor Waiver - Loc 24329 Stratton Ridge
Notice Text:
Currently, gas flowing to delivery location 24329 STRATTON RIDGE (TO FREEPORT) is out of spec for 
“Nitrogen”. Freeport has issued a waiver for "Nitrogen" up to 1.2 mol% effective for gas day 7/24/2024 
through gas day 7/25/2024.  
Freeport reserves the right to rescind the waiver at any time.  All shippers delivering to this location 
should continue to evaluate their receipts and respective gas quality to make adjustments to the blended 
gas quality as necessary for future gas cycles.  
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions.
07/24/2024  8:49:04PM
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