TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline Icon

Notification of Operational Sale of Natural Gas

TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline 1w ago

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TSP Name

TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Other
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



9:39:52 AM
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12:00:00 AM

Subject: Notification of Operational Sale of Natural Gas

Author: Diana Roberts

Notice Text

TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline LLC (“TCLI”) Notification of Operational Sale of Natural Gas under Section 14.2.1 of the Statement of Operating Conditions for TCLI   TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline LLC  (“TCLI” or “Transporter”) is soliciting binding bids for the operational sale of natural gas from interested parties for up to 400,000 Dth on the TCLI system during the term of September 14, 2024  through September 30, 2024.   This sale of natural gas will be received by the winning bidder at either TCLI/CGT (Location Receipt Point #620002 Broadmore Rd), TCLI/ANR (Location Receipt Point #620003 Dugas Rd), or a combination of either of these receipt points. Bidders may elect to take variable quantities over the term shown below up to the maximum of 400,000 Dth.   Details of the sale are below: Term: September 14, 2024  through September 30, 2024  Bid Start Date/Time: Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM CST  Bid End Date/Time: Thursday September 12, 2024 1:00 PM CST Winning Bid Notification Date/Time: Thursday September 12, 2024 3:00 PM CST Sale Quantity: up to 400,000 Dth All bids must be based on either a Fixed Price for the Delivery Location Prop  (ANR SE (Anr, La.) and/or Columbia Gulf Onshore (Columbia Gulf, La.)) or a Gas Daily Price for the Delivery Location Prop for the applicable term. If there is a tie, the winning bid will be based on the earliest timestamp of bid submission.  Prior to submitting a bid, each prospective bidder must meet the creditworthiness requirements specified in TCLI’s Statement of Operating Conditions (Section 5).  In addition, interested bidders must have a fully executed NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas agreement in place with TCLI.  If you do not have a NAESB Base Contract for Sale and Purchase of Natural Gas in place with TCLI and would like to participate in this Operational Sale of Natural Gas, questions may be directed to Diana Roberts prior to submitting a bid at To participate, all bids must be submitted using the Bid Form provided below.  No change or alterations to the bid form will be accepted and any change or alterations to the bid form will cause the prompt rejection of the bid. Please submit your bids to: TCLI reserves the right to withdraw this notification for the operational sale of natural gas or any subsequent posting/notification or to reject any and all bids due to operational changes. Please contact Diana Roberts at (832) 320-5454 with any questions.                       TC Louisiana Intrastate Pipeline LLC Bid Form – Operational Sale of Natural Gas ID #20240910  Operational Sale  ID Company Name Contact Name Contact Title Contact Address Email Phone Number Bid Location Gas Start Date Gas End Date  Bid Quantity (dth/day) Price If Bidder will accept less than stated SCQ, please state that quantity  here  Please submit your bids to: