Algonquin Gas Transmission Notice 159725

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TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
03:02:36 PM

No response required

AGT Pipeline Conditions for 3/9/2025

Notice Text:

For Gas Day March 9, 2025, Algonquin Gas Transmission (AGT) has approved and scheduled nominations at each pipeline segment and meter station up to AGT's operational capacity. The following locations have been restricted due to requested nominations exceeding AGT's operational capacity:

Restricted Locations Scheduled and Sealed Priority % Restricted Notes
IT 3B 3A 2C 2B 2A 1
Stony Point
100% 92%

Cromwell   100% 92%            
100% 92%

Weymouth   100% 99%            
Iroquois Receipts
100% 26%

Iroquois Deliveries   100% 2%            
Hanover West
100% 79%

Mendon Receipts   100% 100% 100% 100% 2%        
G System
100% 85%

Centerville-Transco Receipts(1) Yes                  

No-Notice Restrictions

OFO / Imbalance Notice

System Wide OFO No DP - System wide effective 3/7/25.  Tolerance 2,000 Dth / 2%
Customer Specific OFO ---

Meter Specific OFO (2) Receipts at Beverly (Meters 00215, 01215, 99855) - Effective 2/6/25
Imbalances Warnings ---

FERC Order 698 Yes

Systemwide Notes:

(1) AGT will place a capacity seal at the Centerville meter with Transco beginning on Gas Day February 20 th until further notice.   The capacity seal will be set at the design meter capacity of 222,526 Dth/d.   AGT will enter the scheduling seal after the Timely Confirmation process has been completed with Transco each day.

(2) With respect to each gas day for the period during which this OFO is in effect, Shippers will be penalized if their highest scheduled quantity for the gas day during any hourly cycle throughout the gas day, starting at the Evening Cycle Nomination deadline of 6 pm CCT the day prior to the Gas Day commencing, is reduced such that the scheduled quantity at the end of the gas day is more than 15,000 Dth or 40% (whichever is higher) lower than such highest scheduled quantity.    The tolerance of 15,000 Dth or 40% is based on the cumulative scheduled quantity amongst all of the Shipper's contracts (penalty is calculated at a Shipper level rather than each individual contract).   With respect to any Shipper whose cumulative scheduled quantity is reduced by more than 15,000 Dth or 40% of its highest scheduled quantity during the gas day, beginning at the Evening Cycle Nomination deadline of 6 pm, compared to the end of the gas day, that Shipper will be assessed a penalty for such gas day for an amount equal to the quantity in dekatherms outside of the tolerance multiplied by three times the daily Platts Gas Daily "Daily Price Survey" posting for the High Common price for "Algonquin, city-gates" for the day on which such violation occurred, as indicated in AGT's General Terms and Conditions Section 26.8.  This OFO penalty shall apply unless the Shipper demonstrates to AGT's reasonable satisfaction that the scheduled quantity changes during the applicable gas day were the result of intraday bumping or an abnormal operational issue affecting Customer's supply or market related to the Shipper's highest scheduled quantity for such gas day at the meters listed. 

AGT requests that customers/point operators on AGT be aware of the impact non-ratable hourly takes from the system may have in causing delivery pressures reaching lower than desired levels.

AGT's system is not designed to sustain delivery pressures above contract levels while making non-ratable/accelerated deliveries above scheduled quantities for more than 6 consecutive hours, to be followed by flows below scheduled quantity for the balance of any 24-hour period. If customers/point operators don't manage hourly takes from the system, 1) delivery pressures will be impacted and /or 2) AGT may be required to impose further restrictions or courses of action in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system.

AGT may be required to issue system specific and/or hourly OFO's pursuant to General Terms and Conditions Section 26.7(d) to impose further restrictions in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system.

Customers are advised that capacity may become available as the nomination and confirmation process continues throughout the day.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative should you have any questions.

TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
03:02:36 PM

No response required

AGT Pipeline Conditions for 3/9/2025

Notice Text:

For Gas Day March 9, 2025, Algonquin Gas Transmission (AGT) has approved and scheduled nominations at each pipeline segment and meter station up to AGT's operational capacity. The following locations have been restricted due to requested nominations exceeding AGT's operational capacity:

Restricted Locations Scheduled and Sealed Priority % Restricted Notes
IT 3B 3A 2C 2B 2A 1
Stony Point
100% 92%

Cromwell   100% 92%            
100% 92%

Weymouth   100% 99%            
Iroquois Receipts
100% 26%

Iroquois Deliveries   100% 2%            
Hanover West
100% 79%

Mendon Receipts   100% 100% 100% 100% 2%        
G System
100% 85%

Centerville-Transco Receipts(1) Yes                  

No-Notice Restrictions

OFO / Imbalance Notice

System Wide OFO No DP - System wide effective 3/7/25.  Tolerance 2,000 Dth / 2%
Customer Specific OFO ---

Meter Specific OFO (2) Receipts at Beverly (Meters 00215, 01215, 99855) - Effective 2/6/25
Imbalances Warnings ---

FERC Order 698 Yes

Systemwide Notes:

(1) AGT will place a capacity seal at the Centerville meter with Transco beginning on Gas Day February 20 th until further notice.   The capacity seal will be set at the design meter capacity of 222,526 Dth/d.   AGT will enter the scheduling seal after the Timely Confirmation process has been completed with Transco each day.

(2) With respect to each gas day for the period during which this OFO is in effect, Shippers will be penalized if their highest scheduled quantity for the gas day during any hourly cycle throughout the gas day, starting at the Evening Cycle Nomination deadline of 6 pm CCT the day prior to the Gas Day commencing, is reduced such that the scheduled quantity at the end of the gas day is more than 15,000 Dth or 40% (whichever is higher) lower than such highest scheduled quantity.    The tolerance of 15,000 Dth or 40% is based on the cumulative scheduled quantity amongst all of the Shipper's contracts (penalty is calculated at a Shipper level rather than each individual contract).   With respect to any Shipper whose cumulative scheduled quantity is reduced by more than 15,000 Dth or 40% of its highest scheduled quantity during the gas day, beginning at the Evening Cycle Nomination deadline of 6 pm, compared to the end of the gas day, that Shipper will be assessed a penalty for such gas day for an amount equal to the quantity in dekatherms outside of the tolerance multiplied by three times the daily Platts Gas Daily "Daily Price Survey" posting for the High Common price for "Algonquin, city-gates" for the day on which such violation occurred, as indicated in AGT's General Terms and Conditions Section 26.8.  This OFO penalty shall apply unless the Shipper demonstrates to AGT's reasonable satisfaction that the scheduled quantity changes during the applicable gas day were the result of intraday bumping or an abnormal operational issue affecting Customer's supply or market related to the Shipper's highest scheduled quantity for such gas day at the meters listed. 

AGT requests that customers/point operators on AGT be aware of the impact non-ratable hourly takes from the system may have in causing delivery pressures reaching lower than desired levels.

AGT's system is not designed to sustain delivery pressures above contract levels while making non-ratable/accelerated deliveries above scheduled quantities for more than 6 consecutive hours, to be followed by flows below scheduled quantity for the balance of any 24-hour period. If customers/point operators don't manage hourly takes from the system, 1) delivery pressures will be impacted and /or 2) AGT may be required to impose further restrictions or courses of action in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system.

AGT may be required to issue system specific and/or hourly OFO's pursuant to General Terms and Conditions Section 26.7(d) to impose further restrictions in order to maintain the operational integrity of the system.

Customers are advised that capacity may become available as the nomination and confirmation process continues throughout the day.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative should you have any questions.