Carolina Gas Transmission Notice 4497

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Critical Desc
Critical notice

Notice ID

Southern Compressor Unscheduled Outage – Update

Notice Type
Operational Alert

Post D/T
3/8/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice Eff D/T
3/8/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice End D/T
4/1/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice Stat Desc
Supersede (a previous situation is being amended/updated)

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp Desc
No response required


TSP Name
Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC

Notice Text

As previously posted in Notice 4496, Carolina Gas Transmission (CGT) had an unscheduled outage of a compressor at the Southern Compressor Station in Aiken County, SC on Friday, March 7, 2025. Repairs have been made, and the compressor has been returned to service.

If you have any questions, please call your Interstate Marketing Manager.

No Attachments

Critical Desc
Critical notice

Notice ID

Southern Compressor Unscheduled Outage – Update

Notice Type
Operational Alert

Post D/T
3/8/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice Eff D/T
3/8/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice End D/T
4/1/2025 7:46:00 PM CCT

Notice Stat Desc
Supersede (a previous situation is being amended/updated)

Prior Notice

Reqrd Rsp Desc
No response required


TSP Name
Carolina Gas Transmission, LLC

Notice Text

As previously posted in Notice 4496, Carolina Gas Transmission (CGT) had an unscheduled outage of a compressor at the Southern Compressor Station in Aiken County, SC on Friday, March 7, 2025. Repairs have been made, and the compressor has been returned to service.

If you have any questions, please call your Interstate Marketing Manager.

No Attachments