Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25911117

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TSP Name

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Force Majeure
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25900612
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



9:11:37 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: LIFTED: Force Majeure - Line VB - Effective Immediately

Author: Cindy Burnette

Notice Text

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers that the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia is lifted effective immediately. TCO will continue with remediation activities on segments of the pipeline even after the Force Majeure is lifted.  It is anticipated that the remaining work will not have a commercial impact. If there is a commercial impact after the Force Majeure is lifted, TCO will provide a separate posting detailing the impact.  TCO will not be restarting the 10-Day Safe Harbor window for any future force majeure associated with the Corrective Action Order or the required Root Cause Failure Analysis for Line VB. Reservation credits will apply on the first day of capacity interruption.If you have any questions related to Line VB, please contact your Marketing or Customer Service Representative.   *** PREVIOUS POSTING ***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia, and the resulting Remediation Work Plan on the WB, VB, and MB Systems.   The investigation of the pipeline near Files Creek Compressor Station necessitated by the Remediation Work Plan pig results has been completed.  As a result, the following capacity adjustment is effective Intraday 1 Cycle for Gas Day Tuesday, April 23, 2024:I1 – Cassidy Mtn – Total CapacityTCO reminds customers the pigging activity performed as part of the Remediation Work Plan is progressing according to schedule. As part of the Columbia Pipelines Monthly Customer Update presentations, TCO provides the current schedule including the pig run status and results received.TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia, and the resulting Remediation Work Plan on the WB, VB, and MB Systems.   As part of the Remediation Work Plan under the CAO as required by PHMSA, TCO has received the results of a tool run, which indicates an unexpected anomaly of the pipeline near Files Creek Compressor Station that requires an immediate pressure reduction and further investigation in accordance with regulatory requirements and prudent operator practices.  Due to the unexpected anomaly and immediate pressure reduction, physical flow at the Diversified Midstream - Cassidy Mtn. interconnect (I1) will be reduced to zero until it is determined that the pressure reductions can be reduced or mitigated in accordance with regulatory requirements and prudent operator practices.  As a result, the following capacity adjustment is effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day Saturday, April 20, 2024, and continuing until further notice: I1 – Cassidy Mtn – 0 Total Capacity Based on recently scheduled volumes, the impact to firm service is approximately 20,000 Dth/d. At this time, TCO anticipates the capacity restriction at I1 will remain in effect through and including Gas Day Monday, April 29, 2024.  TCO reminds customers the anticipated timeline and capacity settings are subject to change based on operating conditions and additional measures that may be required as TCO obtains further information. TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available.    Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. Based on current operating conditions and weather forecasts, the capacity through the Lost River CS MA30 internal constraint (CSLOSTRI) is being reinstated to Zero Non-Firm effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day Tuesday, January 23, 2024, and continuing until further notice. TCO continues to monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas, and will provide updates to the Force Majeure, as necessary. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  Based on current operating conditions, TCO is increasing the capacity through the Lost River CS MA30 internal constraint (CSLOSTRI) to 2,700,000 Dth effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day Thursday, January 18, 2024. TCO continues to actively monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas. Based on current weather forecasts, TCO anticipates the capacity through CSLOSTRI may be reduced to as low as 2,600,000 Dth effective as early as Timely Cycle for Gas Day Friday, January 19, 2024.  Customers are encouraged to continue to monitor critical notices, including the Daily Capacity Posting, throughout the Force Majeure for updates. During this period of increased market demand and necessary firm restrictions, TCO cannot allow excess takes at any delivery point that is served through CSLOSTRI. This includes no-notice service(s) from TCO Storage, which are required to be nominated on all rate schedules through the restricted internal constraint. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  The capacity through the Lost River CS MA30 internal constraint (CSLOSTRI) remains at the reduced level of 2,600,000 Dth.  Based on current weather forecasts and operating conditions, TCO anticipates the capacity reduction through CSLOSTRI may remain in effect through and including Gas Day Monday, January 22, 2024. During this period of increased market demand and necessary firm restrictions, TCO cannot allow excess takes at any delivery point that is served through CSLOSTRI. This includes no-notice service(s) from TCO Storage, which are required to be nominated on all rate schedules through the restricted internal constraint. TCO reminds customers the capacity setting through CSLOSTRI, and the estimated timeline of reductions are subject to change. TCO continues to actively monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas, and will provide updates accordingly. Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices throughout the Force Majeure. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  Based on current weather forecasts including sustained colder temperatures resulting in increased market demand in the impacted Operating Areas, the capacity through the Lost River CS MA30 internal constraint (CSLOSTRI) will be reduced to 2,600,000 Dth effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day Monday, January 15, 2024, and continuing until further notice. During the upcoming forecasted period of increased market demand and necessary firm restrictions, TCO cannot allow excess takes at any delivery point that is served through CSLOSTRI. This includes no-notice service(s) from TCO Storage, which will be required to be nominated on all rate schedules through the restricted internal constraint. TCO continues to monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas, and will provide updates accordingly. Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices throughout the Force Majeure. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) and Remediation Work Plan, which includes reduced pressures and throughput capability across TCO’s WB, VB, and MB Systems.  As previously communicated, the likelihood of firm restrictions increases as TCO experiences increased market demand during the Force Majeure. As part of its commitment to customers, TCO is providing as much advanced notice as reasonably practicable of potential commercial restrictions, so customers can prepare accordingly. Based on current weather forecasts including sustained colder temperatures resulting in increased market demand in the impacted Operating Areas, TCO currently anticipates the capacity through the Lost River CS MA30 internal constraint (CSLOSTRI) may be reduced to as low as 2,550,000 Dth as early as Gas Day Sunday, January 14, 2024, and continuing until further notice. For reference, a capacity setting of 2,550,000 Dth through CSLOSTRI would represent a 15% reduction of the posted Design Capacity on the Operationally Available Capacity screen on InfoPost though TCO is not able to definitively project the certainty of firm restrictions, or, if necessary, the exact extent of such restrictions at this time.TCO continues to monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas, and will post an update to the Force Majeure including the actual reduced capacity setting through CSLOSTRI and effective date as early as Friday, January 12, 2024, in order to provide further clarity as conditions warrant. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  On December 14, 2023, TCO received PHMSA approval to return Line VB (middle segment east of Strasburg) to full service.  TCO continues to anticipate no more than 15% firm reductions during design day operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas under the remediation work plan for WB/VB/MB Systems and the ongoing CAO pressure reductions.  Based on the forecasted scope of work on the WB/VB/MB Systems including in-line inspections, the review period, and any work necessitated by the results, TCO continues to anticipate the Force Majeure will remain in effect through Q2 2024.  TCO is committed to providing frequent updates regarding the Force Majeure, including Bi-Monthly Customer Updates. The next update is scheduled for Thursday, January 4, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. EST, 1:30 p.m. CST. Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices for meeting details, which will be provided closer to the date of the event.     Please contact your Customer Services or Marketing Representative with any questions.   ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  On November 22, 2023, TCO received PHMSA approval to return Line VB (from Middleburg Valve Set to the Virginia - Maryland border) to full service. Following the reinstatement of this pipeline segment to full service, TCO anticipates no more than 15% firm reductions during design day operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas under the remediation work plan for WB/VB/MB Systems and the ongoing CAO pressure reductions. Based on the forecasted scope of work on the WB/VB/MB Systems including in-line inspections, the review period, and any work necessitated by the results, TCO continues to anticipate the Force Majeure will remain in effect through Q2 2024. TCO is committed to providing frequent updates regarding the Force Majeure, including Bi-Monthly Customer Updates. The next update is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. EST, 1:30 p.m. CST. Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices for meeting details, which will be provided closer to the date of the event.    TCO encourages customers to reference the previous update on November 20, 2023, for further details. Please contact your Customer Services or Marketing Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  TCO continues its remedial efforts across the VB System as part of PHMSA’s Corrective Action Order (CAO). On November 14, 2023, TCO received PHMSA approval to return Line VB Loop to full service. On November 16, 2023, TCO received PHMSA approval to return Lines VB-5 and VB (middle segment) to full service. Line VB (east and west of Strasburg Compressor Station) are the remaining segments yet to be returned to full service. On November 16, 2023, TCO submitted for PHMSA approval to return VB (east of Strasburg Compressor Station) to full service. TCO will provide additional updates as information becomes available. As communicated in the November Monthly Customer Update, TCO has completed a Root Cause Failure Analysis (RCFA) report as part of the CAO, which requires an evaluation of whether findings are applicable to other locations within TCO’s system. Following extensive analyses based on the results of the RCFA findings, TCO has determined that similar operating variables may exist on the WB System in West Virginia, MB System in Maryland, and a portion of the VB System in Virginia. Such operating variables include but are not limited to similar type of pipe, operating history, stress levels, environmental conditions, and known pipeline conditions. Therefore, in an effort to ensure the safety and reliability of its pipelines, TCO has developed a remediation work plan, which includes pressure reductions and in-line inspections of the WB/VB/MB Systems. These operational adjustments began on November 15, 2023, and will continue over the coming weeks. Following the reinstatement of Lines VB Loop VB-5, and VB (middle segment) to full service, TCO anticipates up to a total of 15% firm reductions during design day operating conditions in the impacted Operating Areas under the remediation work plan for WB/VB/MB Systems and the ongoing CAO pressure reductions. Based on the forecasted scope of work on the WB/VB/MB Systems and additional pipeline segments, including in-line inspections, the review period, and any work necessitated by the results, TCO anticipates the Force Majeure will remain in effect through Q2 2024. TCO is committed to providing frequent updates regarding the Force Majeure, including Bi-Monthly Customer Updates. The next update is scheduled for Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. EST, 1:30 p.m. CST. Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices for meeting details, which will be provided closer to the date of the event.    TCO will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please contact your Customer Services or Marketing Representatives with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  As previously communicated during the Columbia Pipelines Monthly Customer Update on Thursday, September 21, 2023, TCO will be enabling two temporary internal constraints in Market Area 30 effective Gas Day October 1, 2023, in the event it becomes necessary to help mitigate the operational effects of the Force Majeure during seasonal transitions and increased market demand. TCO has configured the temporary internal constraints, listed below, in the system so they are now available on the Internal Constraint Rights Screen in TC eConnects and the Operationally Available Capacity screen on Informational Postings. These constraints will be illustrated on TCO’s Daily Capacity Posting beginning with Gas Day October 1, 2023. CSSHENAN – Shenandoah CS MA30CSSTSBRG – Strasburg CS MA30 TCO will continue to provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO), which includes a pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia - Maryland border. Integrity inspections and resulting maintenance activities are ongoing throughout the VB System. This may result in fluctuating pressures; however, TCO continues to anticipate no impact to firm service. TCO continues its remedial efforts to gather necessary information as part of the CAO. At this time, TCO plans to provide customers with an update of the Force Majeure as part of its Columbia Pipelines Monthly Customer Update on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. EST, 1:30 p.m. CST.  Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices for meeting details, which will be provided closer to the date of the event.   TCO will provide additional updates as information becomes available. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.   ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO), which includes a pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border. At this time, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) remains at Zero Non-Firm. Further integrity inspections and resulting maintenance activities are scheduled to begin as early as Saturday, August 19, 2023. This may result in fluctuating pressures; however, TCO continues to anticipate no impact to firm service.  Based on updated timelines and operating conditions at the time of the work necessitated by the Force Majeure, the delivery capacity to LOUDOUN could be reduced to a level between 400,000 and 600,000 Dth Total Capacity (Zero Non-Firm) as early as Gas Day Tuesday, August 22, 2023. Customers are reminded the Force Majeure necessitates a delivery point restriction, which affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries to LOUDOUN; however, TCO has made operational adjustments to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm availability at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278. Future capacity adjustments may become necessary to manage the CAO requirements. TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available.    Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  The delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be modified as follows: August 10, 2023 (Effective ID1 Cycle) & August 11, 2023 (Timely Cycle) – Limited to Zero Non-FirmTCO anticipates that this capacity setting will stay in effect thru the weekend trading period, August 12-14, 2023.  However, please note that additional integrity inspections are scheduled next week.  During those inspections, capacity could range between 400,000 and 600,000 dth Total Capacity (Zero Non-Firm) as early as Wednesday August 16, 2023.As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter.  TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) to restore capacity to the Loudoun interconnect up to the pre-outage levels, subject to the impact of any additional integrity inspections.  When the CAO was received, it extended the pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border impacting not only deliveries to the LOUDOUN interconnect, but also gas moving south of Rutledge.  This results in higher pressures on Line 1278.   TCO has adjusted operations to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm capacity at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278 and may continue to adjust capacity at other internal constraints and/or locations as necessary to manage the CAO requirements. Please monitor TCeConnects for updates to this posting as additional information becomes available.    Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***PREVIOUS POSTING***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.  The delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased as follows:·         August 7, 2023 (Effective ID1 Cycle) – 450,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm) As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter.  TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) to restore capacity to the Loudoun interconnect up to the pre-outage levels, subject to the impact of any additional integrity inspections.  When the CAO was received, it extended the pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border impacting not only deliveries to the LOUDOUN interconnect, but also gas moving south of Rutledge.  This results in higher pressures on Line 1278.   TCO has adjusted operations to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm capacity at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278 and may continue to adjust capacity at other internal constraints and/or locations as necessary to manage the CAO requirements. Please monitor TCeConnects for updates to this posting as additional information becomes available.    Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. The delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased as follows:
  •        August 4, 2023 (Effective ID1 Cycle) - 400,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm)
  •        August 5, 2023 (Effective TIM Cycle) – 425,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm)
As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter. TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) to restore capacity to the Loudoun interconnect up to the pre-outage levels, subject to the impact of any additional integrity inspections.  When the CAO was received, it extended the pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border impacting not only deliveries to the LOUDOUN interconnect, but also gas moving south of Rutledge.  This results in higher pressures on Line 1278.  TCO has adjusted operations to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm capacity at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278 and may continue to adjust capacity at other internal constraints and/or locations as necessary to manage the CAO requirements.Please monitor TCeConnects for updates to this posting as additional information becomes available.    Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. Effective for Timely Cycle for Gas Day August 4, 2023, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased to 375,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm).  As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter. TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) to restore capacity to the Loudoun interconnect up to the pre-outage levels, subject to the impact of any additional integrity inspections.  When the CAO was received, it extended the pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border impacting not only deliveries to the LOUDOUN interconnect, but also gas moving south of Rutledge.  This results in higher pressures on Line 1278.  TCO has adjusted operations to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm capacity at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278 and may continue to adjust capacity at other internal constraints and/or locations as necessary to manage the CAO requirements.TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available.   Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. TCO continues to work under the Corrective Action Order (CAO) to restore capacity to the Loudoun interconnect up to the pre-outage levels, subject to the impact of any additional integrity inspections.  When the CAO was received, it extended the pressure reduction on Line VB beyond Loudoun to the Virginia – Maryland border impacting not only deliveries to the LOUDOUN interconnect, but also gas moving south of Rutledge.  This results in higher pressures on Line 1278.  TCO has adjusted operations to minimize the impact of the pressure reduction to scheduled volumes.  TCO has also adjusted non-firm capacity at certain eastern receipt points to help limit excess supplies on Line 1278 and may continue to adjust capacity at other internal constraints and/or locations as necessary to manage the CAO requirements.Effective for Evening Cycle for Gas Day August 1, 2023, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased to 350,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm).  As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter. TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available.   Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. TCO is currently working under a Corrective Action Order (CAO) with PHMSA to return the line to service.  Under the parameters of the CAO, TCO is operating parts of that pipeline system at a reduced pressure.  As a result, customers will likely see lower than normal pressures; however, not below contractual pressure.  Also, additional integrity inspections are anticipated which may impact capacities.  Effective for ID2 Cycle for Gas Day July 30, 2023, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased to 275,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm).  As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter. TCO will provide updates as additional information becomes available.   Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. TCO continues to assess the impacted area.  Effective for ID1 Cycle for Gas Day July 28, 2023, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) will be increased to 225,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm).As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. TCO continues to assess the impacted area.  At this time, the delivery capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) remains at 200,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm).As a reminder to our shippers, the current Force Majeure has necessitated a delivery point restriction at LOUDOUN LNG and affects all TCO system pipelines with deliveries into the LOUDOUN meter.TCO will provide customers another update on Friday, July 28, 2023.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative. ***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) would like to clarify the previous update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.The increases to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) effective Intraday 2 Cycle for Gas Day July 26, 2023, and Timely Cycle for Gas Day July 27, 2023 still represent an impact to firm service.TCO continues to assess the impact and will provide customers with an additional update by Thursday morning, July 27, 2023.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative.***Previous Posting***Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia.Following further assessments of the impacted area and continued operational adjustments, TCO is increasing capacity to the LOUDOUN LNG interconnect (LOUDOUN) effective Intraday 2 Cycle for Gas Day July 26, 2023, and Timely Cycle for Gas Day July 27, 2023: Effective ID2 for July 26, 2023:LOUDOUN – LOUDOUN LNG – 175,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm)Effective TIM for July 27, 2023, and continuing until further notice:LOUDOUN – LOUDOUN LNG – 200,000 (zero non-firm) TCO will continue to assess the impacted area and provide customers with additional updates; however, at this time, TCO does not anticipate any future impacts to firm service as a result of this Force Majeure.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. Based on operational adjustments, the following capacity increases are effective Intraday 1 Cycle for July 26, 2023, and continuing until further notice: LOUDOUN – LOUDOUN LNG (Deliveries) – 150,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm)Loudoun – Loudoun MA28 (Internal Constraint) – 0 non-firm TCO continues to assess the impacted area and will provide an update prior to the Timely Cycle nomination deadline for Gas Day July 27, 2023. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of the following update regarding the Force Majeure on Line VB near Strasburg, Virginia. Physical deliveries to the LOUDOUN LNG (LOUDOUN) interconnect continue to be impacted as a result of the pressure reduction. Therefore, effective Intraday 2 Cycle for Gas Day July 25, 2023, previously scheduled quantities to LOUDOUN will be reduced to EPSQ. Based on current scheduled volume, the anticipated impact to firm service for Gas Day July 25, 2023, is 375,000 Dth. TCO will be working with customers to resolve scheduled quantity discrepancies at the LOUDOUN interconnect. Effective Evening Cycle for Gas Day July 26, 2023, and continuing until further notice, TCO anticipates the following capacity adjustments: LOUDOUN – LOUDOUN LNG (Deliveries) – 0 Total CapacityLoudoun – Loudoun MA28 (Internal Constraint) – 150,000 Total Capacity (zero non-firm) As communicated in the original notice below, customers can help TCO minimize the amount of firm impact by scheduling receipts from interconnects east of Strasburg, VA. Therefore, the following non-firm capacity increases are effective Intraday 2 Cycle for July 25, 2023: B18 - MILFORD-21 – 50,000C22 - EAGLE-25 – 50,000
C23 - PENNSBURG-23 – 50,000E2 - ROCKVILLE-30 – 50,000LOUDOUN - LOUDOUN LNG (Receipts) – 50,000 TCO continues to assess the impact and will provide customers an update on Wednesday morning, July 26, 2023. Please continue to monitor critical notices and the Daily Capacity Posting for any adjustments related to this Force Majeure.  Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative.  ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of an immediate pressure reduction on Line VB due to an unplanned event near Strasburg, Virginia. In order to maintain the safety and reliability of the system, this section of the pipeline has been isolated.  Therefore, pursuant to Section 15 of the General Terms and Conditions of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff, TCO is declaring a Force Majeure effective for Gas Day July 25, 2023.  As a result of the pressure reduction, physical deliveries to the LOUDOUN LNG (LOUDOUN) interconnect have been impacted. Therefore, effective Intraday 1 Cycle for Gas Day July 25, 2023, non-firm service at the following locations will be reduced to EPSQ, and will be reduced to zero non-firm effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day July 26, 2023, and continuing until further notice.LOUDOUN – LOUDOUN LNG (Deliveries)Loudoun – Loudoun MA28 (Internal Constraint)In addition, TCO will not be allowing increases to firm scheduled quantities at the above locations from what was previously scheduled during Evening Cycle for July 25, 2023.Firm service at the above locations may be impacted as early as Intraday 2 Cycle for Gas Day July 25, 2023.  Customers can help alleviate the need for firm impact by scheduling receipts from interconnects east of Strasburg, VA. Such points include but are not limited to LOUDOUN-LOUDOUN LNG, E2-Rockville, C22-Eagle, C23-Pennsburg, and B18-Milford.TCO is currently assessing the impact and will provide updates as additional information becomes available. Please continue to monitor critical notices and the Daily Capacity Posting for any adjustments related to this Force Majeure. Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the Force Majeure for a period greater than ten consecutive days. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, TCO is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper’s 7-day average usage quantity pursuant to the provisions in the Tariff. Please contact your Customer Services Representative.