Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25913211

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TSP Name

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Operational Alert
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25913210
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



10:43:03 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: REVISED: Pre OFO for upcoming weekend September 14-16, 2024

Author: Jon Young

Notice Text

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) is notifying all Shippers under all Transportation Rate Schedules within its FERC Gas Tariff, as such may change from time to time (Tariff), and Meter Operators in all of TCO’s Operating Areas, that the issuance of an Operational Flow Order (OFO) may become necessary beginning with the upcoming weekend, Saturday, September 14, 2024, to preserve system integrity and protect the operating performance of TCO’s pipeline system.  Pursuant to Section 17.1(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of its Tariff, TCO is providing advanced warning of the operational variables that may in the future give rise to the issuance of an OFO. The operational variables that may require issuance of an OFO in the future are the following:

Due to forecasted milder weather and the anticipated lower demand, TCO has been experiencing excess receipts and under deliveries during a time when storage levels are high.  TCO has limited operational flexibility for positive imbalances and cannot allow actual receipts to exceed scheduled receipts, or actual deliveries to be less than scheduled deliveries. 
In order to avoid the issuance of an OFO, TCO strongly encourages Shippers to ensure that all actual receipts are less than or equal to scheduled receipts and all actual deliveries are greater than or equal to scheduled deliveries at points in all Operating Areas (not including No-Notice services). Any excess receipts or under-deliveries can threaten the operational integrity of TCO’s system and TCO’s ability to maintain its system in balance.  An OFO may also be avoided if Shippers and Meter Operators adjust nominations to align with flowing supplies during each nomination cycle.   In the event TCO is forced to issue an OFO, Shippers who do not comply will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 19.3 of TCO’s Tariff. Please contact your Customer Services and/or Marketing Representative with any questions.
***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) is notifying all Shippers under all Transportation Rate Schedules within its FERC Gas Tariff, as such may change from time to time (Tariff), and Meter Operators in all of TCO’s Operating Areas, that the issuance of an Operational Flow Order (OFO) may become necessary beginning with the upcoming weekend, Saturday, September 14, 2024, to preserve system integrity and protect the operating performance of TCO’s pipeline system.  Pursuant to Section 17.1(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of its Tariff, TCO is providing advanced warning of the operational variables that may in the future give rise to the issuance of an OFO. The operational variables that may require issuance of an OFO in the future are the following:

Due to forecasted milder weather and the anticipated lower demand, TCO has been experiencing excess receipts and under deliveries during a time when storage levels are high.  TCO has limited operational flexibility for positive imbalances and cannot allow actual receipts to exceed scheduled receipts, or actual deliveries to be less than scheduled deliveries. 
In order to avoid the issuance of an OFO, TCO strongly encourages Shippers to ensure that all actual receipts are less than or equal to scheduled receipts and all actual deliveries are greater than or equal to scheduled deliveries at points in all Operating Areas. Any excess receipts or under-deliveries can threaten the operational integrity of TCO’s system and TCO’s ability to maintain its system in balance.  An OFO may also be avoided if Shippers and Meter Operators adjust nominations to align with flowing supplies during each nomination cycle.   In the event TCO is forced to issue an OFO, Shippers who do not comply will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 19.3 of TCO’s Tariff. Please contact your Customer Services and/or Marketing Representative with any questions.