Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25913212

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TSP Name

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Maintenance
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25912012
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



11:08:13 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: UPDATE: Lines 1570 & 1983 Maintenance

Author: Jon Young

Notice Text

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers the third-party longwall mining activities near TCO Lines 1570 & 1983 is ongoing. As a reminder, due to the third-party activity, TCO currently has restrictions implemented through the ARTEMAS, LONEOAKA, and SMITHFLD internal constraints.  Based on operating conditions during the third-party activities, it may become necessary to restrict the following meters in addition to, or in place of, the ongoing internal constraint restrictions: 640496 – Range-Day640564 – Amwell642434 – Thunder642822 – Veres642854 – Kryptonite643231 – Wadestown M&RK2 – Waynesburg-Rhinehart At this time, TCO plans to restrict non-firm availability at the aforementioned meters effective Gas Day Saturday, September 14, 2024, and continuing until further notice. Based on current scheduled volume, TCO does not anticipate firm restrictions at the impacted meters; however, restrictions may become necessary as early as Timely Cycle for Gas Day Tuesday, September 17, 2024, based on fluctuating operating conditions and scheduled volume. As illustrated on TCO’s Construction and Maintenance Schedule, the third-party activity is scheduled through November 1, 2024. Based on forecasted operating conditions including the third-party scope of work, TCO currently anticipates that firm restrictions may continue to be necessary through and including Gas Day September 26, 2024. TCO reminds customers the anticipated timelines and capacity impacts are subject to change based on operating conditions including the third-party’s progress of work. TCO will continue to provide updates throughout the third-party mining activities.  Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract.  Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.
***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) reminds customers of ongoing third-party longwall mining activities near TCO Lines 1570 & 1983 that is scheduled to continue through November 1, 2024.Based on current operating conditions, TCO anticipates a potential firm reduction of up to 150,000 Dth. This may affect the following constraints as early as Gas Day September 11, 2024:ARTEMAS - Artemas MA25LONEOAKA - Lone Oak A MA41SMITHFLD - Smithfield MA35TCO will continue to provide updates throughout the mining activities. Customers are encouraged to monitor the Construction & Maintenance Schedule and the Daily Capacity Posting for any capacity adjustments necessitated by the maintenance.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions. *** Previous Posting ***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies customers of upcoming third-party longwall mining activities near TCO Lines 1570 & 1983 scheduled to begin June 26, 2024, and continue through August 30, 2024.Based on forecasted operating conditions during the third-party longwall mining activities, TCO currently anticipates no impact to firm service. However, based on operating conditions during the mining activities, reductions to firm service may become necessary through the following internal constraints:ARTEMAS - Artemas MA25LONEOAKA - Lone Oak A MA41SMITHFLD - Smithfield MA35TCO will provide updates throughout the mining activities, including advanced notice should reductions to firm service become necessary. Customers are encouraged to monitor the Construction & Maintenance Schedule and the Daily Capacity Posting for any capacity adjustments necessitated by the maintenance.Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 38 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”).  However, TCO will only issue RCCs if TCO is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage.  In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, TCO is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper’s 7-day average usage quantity pursuant to the provisions in the Tariff.Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.