Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25923710

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TSP Name

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Operational Alert
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25921953
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



9:02:40 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: REMINDER: Pre-OFO – Receipt Points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, 42

Author: Tyler King

Notice Text

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) reminds customers the Pre-OFO for Receipt Points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 (Notice ID 25921953) remains in effect for the balance of the Winter season (through March 31, 2025).  TCO continues to monitor the weather forecasts and operating conditions and will assess the need for future Operational Flow Order(s).  Customers are encouraged to monitor critical notices each day, including the Daily Capacity Posting, for details. Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.   ***Previous Posting***
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) is notifying all Shippers under all Transportation Rate Schedules within its FERC Gas Tariff, as such may change from time to time (Tariff), and Meter Operators in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 that the issuance of an Operational Flow Order (OFO) may become necessary at times this Winter (through March 31, 2025) to protect the integrity of TCO’s system or its ability to meet its firm service obligations.  Pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.1(d) of the General Terms and Conditions of its Tariff, TCO is providing advanced warning of the operational variables that may in the future give rise to the issuance of an OFO. The operational variables that may require issuance of an OFO in the future are the following:  Due to the significant level of production quantities received in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42, physical receipts must match scheduled receipts in order to maintain markets across the TCO system.  During cold weather events, receipt points on TCO’s system may experience operational issues that could result in a failure to take or deliver scheduled quantities.  As a warning, TCO cannot allow underperformance at any receipt point in these Market Areas in order to preserve system integrity and the operating performance of its pipeline system, including maintaining pipeline operations at the pressures required to provide reliable firm services. In order to avoid the issuance of a future OFO and/or an underperformance notice citing the point(s) affected, receipt points must be balanced such that actual receipts into Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 are greater than or equal to the scheduled receipt quantities into these Areas. To achieve this, Shippers and Meter Operators must remain in balance at the start of, and throughout, each Gas Day.  An OFO may also be avoided if Shippers and Meter Operators adjust nominations to align with flowing supplies during each nomination cycle.   In the event TCO is forced to issue an OFO, Shippers who do not comply will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 19.3 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff, and/or an underperformance notice will be posted with appropriate reductions to scheduled quantities to follow.  TCO expects that a resulting OFO will cause nomination reductions in the subsequent confirmation cycle based on EPSQ and rankings for any shortage for the current Gas Day, or any shortage from hours after the close of ID3 for the previous Gas Day.   Please contact your Customer Services and/or Marketing Representative with any questions.