Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25929230

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TSP Name

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Capacity Constraint
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



7:13:26 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: CAPACITY POSTING - TIM for March 06, 2025

Author: Dillon Schoolcraft

Notice Text

COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC DAILY CAPACITY POSTING Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) posts projections of anticipated market area restrictions at least 24-hours prior to the time when nominations are due. These advance forecasts are subject to change based on actual operating conditions. Customers desiring non-firm services should submit timely nominations to determine whether the service is available under current conditions. ======================================================================================================================================================== FORCE MAJEURE / STORAGE CRITICAL / TRANSPORT CRITICAL / OFO / RATABLE TAKES A Force Majeure is necessary effective Gas Day Thursday, October 31, 2024, due to an unexpected mechanical failure at the James Massey Hub meter station in North Hampton County, NC. Please see Critical Notice ID 25918017 for details. A Force Majeure is necessary effective Gas Day Wednesday, February 19, 2025, on Line PM-17 near the Boldman Compressor Station in Kentucky.  Please see Critical Notice ID 25927533 for details. A Force Majeure is necessary effective Gas Day Monday, March 3, 2025, on Line SM-116 near Grant Compressor Station in West Virginia. Please see Critical Notice ID 25929355 for details. No Critical Day for Storage is necessary. No Critical Day for Transport is necessary. No Operational Flow Order (OFO) is necessary. * Ratable takes are required in Market Areas *33 and *34 from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM EST beginning Gas Day Thursday, March 6, 2025 (Friday morning), and continuing until further notice. Ratable Takes are not required in any other Market Areas; however, power customers should request non-ratable takes by submitting a burn profile through TC eConnects.  ADVANCE NOTICE OF POTENTIAL OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDERPursuant to Section 17 of Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (“TCO”) FERC Gas Tariff, as amended from time to time (“Tariff”), TCO hereby issues notice of a potential Operational Flow Order on its pipeline system. In the event shippers do not comply with the requirements above regarding ratable takes, the integrity of TCO’s pipeline system may be jeopardized, and TCO may become unable to meet its firm service obligations.Operators who are taking gas non-ratably could jeopardize TCO’s ability to meet firm and/or contractual pressure obligations and are subject to the issuance of a point specific OFO. ======================================================================================================================================================== PIPELINE RECEIPTS, DELIVERIES, INTERNAL CONSTRAINTS, AND DISPLACEMENT AVAILABILITY For receipts, deliveries, and internal constraints not specifically listed below, please refer to Post/Capacity/Operationally Available for information on available capacity at each receipt and delivery point and Post/Capacity/Est Op Avail Cap - Internal Constraint for available non-firm capacity at each internal constraint. Columbia may, from time to time, have displacement capacity available at various receipt/delivery points. Displacement nominations are scheduled based on operational availability up to an approved amount not to exceed the scheduled volumes in the physical direction of flow of the meter. Please contact your Customer Services, Marketing, or O&L Representative for availability at points not listed on this notice. Shippers utilizing Market Expansion contracts to schedule to markets downstream of the Louisa internal constraint may deliver to Boswells Tavern and receive back at Emporia -or- schedule directly from Emporia on the contract. ======================================================================================================================================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------POINT CONSTRAINTS-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 633863 - NFG Hartzfelt Mountain - 6,000 640203 - Wagoner Line K - 10,00072-23 - UGI CORP-23 - 25,000 736626 - DPL Centerville - 40,000 737067 - Darby - 40,000 740178 - Fairfield - REX - 100,000743064 - NEXUS MR06 - 60,000743365 - Quarry Road - 25,000822797 - Ashland Exploration, Inc - 0833097 - BOSWELLS TAVERN (75-007219) - 100,000 (Receipts)833097 - BOSWELLS TAVERN (75-007219) - 0 (Deliveries)837462 - RED HILL STATION - 0842564 - Warren Co. - 0842714 - Middle Mtn MM - 0842866 - Green Energy Stonewall - 0842867 - Braxton - 250,000843067 - Cornwell - 0843105 - Transco Chantilly - 0900001 - James Massey Hub Lane 1 - 0900002 - James Massey Hub Lane 2 - 0B10 - CAMBRIDGE-9 - 20,000B15 - UNIONVILLE-35 - 10,000B17 - HIGHLAND-36 - 20,000B18 - MILFORD-21 - 50,000B3 - GREENUP-15 - 40,000B9 - BROAD RUN-19 - 0 (Deliveries)BYBEE - BYBEE - 0 (Deliveries)C10 - PLEASANT - 0C14 - WAYNESBURG - 0C15 - UNIONTOWN-35 - 0C16 - DELMONT-36 - 0 (Receipts)C16 - DELMONT-36 - 39,500 (Deliveries)C22 - EAGLE-25 - 25,000C23 - PENNSBURG-23 - 25,000C41 - TEXAS EASTERN TETCON - 0C45 - Marietta - 0C9 - HOOKER-5 - 50,000E17 - MARTINS CREEK - 21 - 0 (Receipts)E17 - MARTINS CREEK - 21 - 0 (Deliveries)E2 - ROCKVILLE-30 - 100,000E3 - DOWNINGTOWN-29 - 0E9 - YNG WOMANS CK-RENOVO - 0LOSTRI - Lost River - 0 (Receipts)LOUDOUN - LOUDOUN LNG - 0MVPWB - MVP Columbia WB - 250,000 (Receipts)MVPWB - MVP Columbia WB - 0 (Deliveries) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------DELIVERY INTERNAL CONSTRAINTS-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:----------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTEMAS - Artemas MA25 - 0BICKBOSW - Bickers MA33 - 0CERELANH - Lanham East MA19 - No Restriction CERELANW - Lanham West MA19 - No RestrictionCEREWEST - Ceredo West MA19 – No RestrictionCORNHART - Corning East MA20 - 0CRAWNORT - Crawford North MA8 - 0CSLOSTRI - Lost River CS MA30 - 0DELMONSO - Delmont South MA36 - 10,000DOWNEAST - Downingtown East MA24 - 0GRENCSTL - Greencastle MA25 - 0HELLHANO - Hellertown MA22 - 0HIGHLAND - Highland MA38 - 10,000HOPEWELL - Hopewell MA33 - No RestrictionINDEGLAS - Corning West MA20 - 5,548KAEAST - KA East MA17 - 100,000LANPKA - Lanham PKA MA19 - No RestrictionLEACHSEG - Leach MA19 - 0 LOUDOUN - Loudoun MA28 - 0LOUISA - Louisa MA33 - 0MA1SEG - Pavonia to Toledo - 30,000 MA3SEG - Lima MA3 - 30,000 MA6SEG - Dayton MA6 - 40,000 MA7SEG - Sandusky MA7 - 30,000 NORTKENT - Northern Kentucky OA6 - 0 PTJRWARW - Wagoner East MA21 - No RestrictionRUTLEDGE - Rutledge North MA28 - 0SENECA - Seneca MA30 - 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------RECEIPT INTERNAL CONSTRAINTS-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A03LINEH - Cobb Line H MA18 - No Restriction A03LOW - Cobb Northwest MA18 - No RestrictionA03NORTH - Cobb Northeast MA40 - No RestrictionA03SOUTH - Cobb South MA18 - No RestrictionADALSMIF - Smithfield to Adaline MA35 - 100,000ALLIAREC - Alliance Receipts MA4 - 20,000BOLDMAN - Boldman MA16 - No RestrictionCHSTKENO - Line P North MA16 - 25,000CLENWAYN - Clendenin to Waynesburg MA35 - 100,000COBBA03 - Cobb CS MA18 - No RestrictionCRAWSOUT - Crawford South MA8 - 150,000DELMRENO - Delmont MA36 - No RestrictionDOWNWEST - Downingtown West MA24 - 25,000EASTON - Easton MA21 - 25,000GRANHAML - KA High MA19 - 100,000HANCOCK - Hancock MA20 - 0KA1SCBYB - KA1 Station Camp MA13 - 5,500KAWEST - KA West MA17 - 100,000LEBANON - Lebanon MA6 - 70,000 LONEOAKA - Lone Oak A MA41 - 50,000LONEOAKB - Lone Oak B MA41 - 150,000LXPSEG - LXPSEG MA41 - 100,000MAYTHUFF - KA Low MA16 - 25,000MXPSEG - MXPSEG MA42 - 200,000 RUTSOUTH - Rutledge South MA28 - 0SHERWODA - Sherwood A MA42 - 50,000SHERWODB - Sherwood B MA42 - 100,000SMITHFLD - Smithfield MA35 - 100,000 TANNDELM - Line 1711 MA35 - 0WALGROVE - Walgrove MA18 - No RestrictionWAYNESNO - Waynesburg North MA35 - 100,000  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------DISPLACEMENT AVAILABILITY-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 843067 - Cornwell - 0 C14 - WAYNESBURG - 20,000  C22 - EAGLE-25 - 0C23 - PENNSBURG-23 - 0C4 - TETCO LEBANON-6 - 0E2 - ROCKVILLE-30 - 0LOUDOUN - LOUDOUN LNG - 100,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------TRANSFER METERS-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TMBOSWLL - TM Boswells Tavern MA33 - 40,000TMBRDRUN - TM Broad Run MA19 - 500,000TMCEREDO - TM Ceredo MA19 - 500,000TMCHANTY - TM Chantilly MA30 - 0 TMEAGLE - TM Eagle MA25 - 500,000TMLEACH - TM Leach MA19 - 500,000TMLOSTRI - TM Lost River MA30 - 0TMLOUDN - TM Loudoun MA30 - 0TMLXP - TM LXP MA41 - 500,000TMMXP - TM MXP MA42 - 500,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------LOGICAL METERS-- Non-Firm Available Capacity:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MLEAGLE - Mainline Eagle - 500,000MLLEACH - Mainline Leach - 500,000MLLOUDOU - Mainline Loudoun - 0MLLXPMAJ - Mainline LXP Majorsville - 500,000MLNEWALB - Mainline New Albany - 500,000 MLPETERS - Mainline Petersburg - 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------DUE PIPE AND DUE SHIPPER AVAILABILITY:---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OP AREA 01 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 02 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 03 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 04 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 05 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 06 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 07 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 08 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0OP AREA 10 - Due Pipe - No Restriction, Due Shipper - 0 ======================================================================================================================================================== PAL & IT BUSINESS Representatives are available daily to discuss PAL transactions with customers who have executed Master PAL Agreements.  (Reminder:  Each PAL transaction including rate, term, quantity and point(s) must be provided for and approved on the Appendix A under the Master PAL Agreement).  Customers who are interested in discounted PAL transactions for next-day or long-term park and/or lend transactions or daily discounted IT paths should contact Diana Roberts at 832-320-5454 (IM droberts6) for more information. AUTO PAL AVAILABILITY Effective with Evening Cycle for each Gas Day, Auto Parks/Loans will be limited to +/- 5,000 Dth.  Customers are reminded the intent of AutoPAL service is to utilize nominal quantities to resolve pool imbalances that result from upstream or downstream reductions during the cycle.  This service should not be used for parking or loaning large quantities.  (Critical Notice ID 25786319 posted on 11/02/2020). The following services are eligible for Auto Park/Loan Paybacks and Auto Loan/Park Withdrawals:IPPSPPA01 - KenovaA02 - Flat TopA03 - CobbA04 - Alexander A05 - Delmont A06 - McClellandtownA08 - CrawfordA09 - York A10 - Dungannon A11 - BinghamtonA12 - Mountaineer Xpress * Denotes a change from previous posting