Columbia Gas Transmission Notice 25929313
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TSP Name
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC
Notice ID
Notice Type Description: Operational Flow Order
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25927817
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required
Notice Effective
Notice End
7:03:23 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM
Subject: LIFTED: OFO – Receipt Points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, 42 Effective February 24, 2025
Author: Dakota Gilliam
Notice Text
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies shippers the Operational Flow Order (OFO) impacting receipt points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41 and 42 is lifted effective intraday for Gas Day Monday, February 24, 2025. Due Shipper imbalance payback remains unavailable across all Operating Areas at this time. Shippers and point operators must continue to ensure that scheduled quantities match physical flows as closely as practicable until such time that Due Shipper payback becomes available. TCO reserves the right to non-confirm nominations due to underperformance or reinstate the OFO as operationally necessary. As a reminder, the Pre-OFO (Notice ID 25921953) remains in effect.Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.
***Previous Posting***
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 17 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) is issuing an Operational Flow Order ("OFO") to Shippers under all transportation rate schedules with receipts in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 to protect the integrity of TCO’s system and its ability to meet its firm service obligations. As explained in Pre OFO (Notice ID 25921953), due to the high level of production received in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42, physical receipts must match scheduled receipts in order to provide reliable firm service across the TCO system. During the upcoming forecasted cold weather event, receipt points on TCO’s system may experience operational issues that could result in a failure to flow scheduled quantities. TCO cannot allow under performance at any receipt point in these Market Areas in order to preserve system integrity and the operating performance of its pipeline system, including maintaining pipeline operations at the pressures required to provide reliable firm services.Therefore, in order to preserve system reliability and integrity, TCO is issuing the following Operational Flow Order (OFO):1. The Time and Date of Issuance of this OFO is Friday, February 14, 2025, at 8:20 AM ET.2. The OFO will become effective for Gas Day Saturday, February 15, 2025.3. This OFO will continue in duration until Columbia issues further notice of termination of this OFO. 4. The Shippers impacted by this OFO are those scheduling receipts of gas in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 whose physical receipts are not greater than or equal to their scheduled receipts during a Gas Day.5. Pursuant to the OFO, the following actions must be taken:During the period this OFO is in effect, impacted shippers must align scheduled quantities with physical deliveries in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42, which may require communication with upstream operators. Shippers must remain in balance at the start of, and throughout, each Gas Day, beginning Saturday, February 15, 2025, and until further notice. Receipt points must be balanced such that actual receipts into Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 must be greater than or equal to the scheduled receipt quantities into these areas unless otherwise mutually agreed on a nondiscriminatory basis.6. The justification for issuing the OFO is as set forth above.7. Additional information: Shippers who do not comply will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 19.3 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff, and/or an underperformance posting will be made with appropriate reductions to scheduled quantities to follow. Reductions will be made in the ID2 confirmation cycle based on EPSQ and rankings for the shortage for the current Gas Day, or any shortage from hours after the close of ID3 for the previous Gas Day. Shippers are encouraged to stay coordinated with upstream suppliers for changes in physical flow for the duration of the OFO.If a penalty is assessed, the penalty will be based on all quantities in aggregate in violation of the OFO in excess of a tolerance of 3% of scheduled receipt quantities or 3,000 Dth whichever is higher. This tolerance will be in effect during the OFO unless revised through an update to this notice. Penalties will be based on the shipper’s prorated share of the total underdelivered gas above the tolerance at the receipt point for that day at the higher of: 19.3(i) a price per Dth equal to three times the midpoint of the range of prices reported for "Columbia Gas, Appalachia" as published in Platts Gas Daily price survey for the days on which the OFO is issued, or 19.3(ii) a price per Dth equal to 150 percent of the highest midpoint posting for either: Mich Con City-gate, Transco, Zone 6 Non-N.Y., or Texas Eastern, M-2 Receipts as published in Platts Gas Daily price survey for the days on which the OFO is issued. Penalties under 19.3(ii) will only be assessed on days in which the daily spot price of gas exceeds three times the midpoint of the range of prices reported for "Columbia Gas, Appalachia."Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC
Notice ID
Notice Type Description: Operational Flow Order
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25927817
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required
Notice Effective
Notice End
7:03:23 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM
Subject: LIFTED: OFO – Receipt Points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, 42 Effective February 24, 2025
Author: Dakota Gilliam
Notice Text
Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) notifies shippers the Operational Flow Order (OFO) impacting receipt points in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41 and 42 is lifted effective intraday for Gas Day Monday, February 24, 2025. Due Shipper imbalance payback remains unavailable across all Operating Areas at this time. Shippers and point operators must continue to ensure that scheduled quantities match physical flows as closely as practicable until such time that Due Shipper payback becomes available. TCO reserves the right to non-confirm nominations due to underperformance or reinstate the OFO as operationally necessary. As a reminder, the Pre-OFO (Notice ID 25921953) remains in effect.Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.
***Previous Posting***
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 17 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff, Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (TCO) is issuing an Operational Flow Order ("OFO") to Shippers under all transportation rate schedules with receipts in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 to protect the integrity of TCO’s system and its ability to meet its firm service obligations. As explained in Pre OFO (Notice ID 25921953), due to the high level of production received in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42, physical receipts must match scheduled receipts in order to provide reliable firm service across the TCO system. During the upcoming forecasted cold weather event, receipt points on TCO’s system may experience operational issues that could result in a failure to flow scheduled quantities. TCO cannot allow under performance at any receipt point in these Market Areas in order to preserve system integrity and the operating performance of its pipeline system, including maintaining pipeline operations at the pressures required to provide reliable firm services.Therefore, in order to preserve system reliability and integrity, TCO is issuing the following Operational Flow Order (OFO):1. The Time and Date of Issuance of this OFO is Friday, February 14, 2025, at 8:20 AM ET.2. The OFO will become effective for Gas Day Saturday, February 15, 2025.3. This OFO will continue in duration until Columbia issues further notice of termination of this OFO. 4. The Shippers impacted by this OFO are those scheduling receipts of gas in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 whose physical receipts are not greater than or equal to their scheduled receipts during a Gas Day.5. Pursuant to the OFO, the following actions must be taken:During the period this OFO is in effect, impacted shippers must align scheduled quantities with physical deliveries in Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42, which may require communication with upstream operators. Shippers must remain in balance at the start of, and throughout, each Gas Day, beginning Saturday, February 15, 2025, and until further notice. Receipt points must be balanced such that actual receipts into Market Areas 26, 30, 35, 41, and 42 must be greater than or equal to the scheduled receipt quantities into these areas unless otherwise mutually agreed on a nondiscriminatory basis.6. The justification for issuing the OFO is as set forth above.7. Additional information: Shippers who do not comply will be subject to penalties in accordance with Section 19.3 of TCO’s FERC Gas Tariff, and/or an underperformance posting will be made with appropriate reductions to scheduled quantities to follow. Reductions will be made in the ID2 confirmation cycle based on EPSQ and rankings for the shortage for the current Gas Day, or any shortage from hours after the close of ID3 for the previous Gas Day. Shippers are encouraged to stay coordinated with upstream suppliers for changes in physical flow for the duration of the OFO.If a penalty is assessed, the penalty will be based on all quantities in aggregate in violation of the OFO in excess of a tolerance of 3% of scheduled receipt quantities or 3,000 Dth whichever is higher. This tolerance will be in effect during the OFO unless revised through an update to this notice. Penalties will be based on the shipper’s prorated share of the total underdelivered gas above the tolerance at the receipt point for that day at the higher of: 19.3(i) a price per Dth equal to three times the midpoint of the range of prices reported for "Columbia Gas, Appalachia" as published in Platts Gas Daily price survey for the days on which the OFO is issued, or 19.3(ii) a price per Dth equal to 150 percent of the highest midpoint posting for either: Mich Con City-gate, Transco, Zone 6 Non-N.Y., or Texas Eastern, M-2 Receipts as published in Platts Gas Daily price survey for the days on which the OFO is issued. Penalties under 19.3(ii) will only be assessed on days in which the daily spot price of gas exceeds three times the midpoint of the range of prices reported for "Columbia Gas, Appalachia."Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.