Discovery Gas Transmission Notice 4382996

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Discovery Force Majeure at Transco Larose Delivery

Posted Date/Time
07-15-2024 9:17 am

Effective Date/Time
07-15-2024 9:10 am

Due to downstream pressure restrictions inhibiting Discovery Gas Transmission LLC (Discovery) ability to deliver into Transco, Discovery will only accept firm nominations up to 75,000 Dt/Day to Transco Larose beginning July 16, 2024 Timely Cycle. Available capacity will be allocated pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6, Scheduling and Curtailment of Discoverys FERC Tariff.
If you have any questions, please contact your Volume Management Representative.

Discovery Force Majeure at Transco Larose Delivery

Posted Date/Time
07-15-2024 9:17 am

Effective Date/Time
07-15-2024 9:10 am

Due to downstream pressure restrictions inhibiting Discovery Gas Transmission LLC (Discovery) ability to deliver into Transco, Discovery will only accept firm nominations up to 75,000 Dt/Day to Transco Larose beginning July 16, 2024 Timely Cycle. Available capacity will be allocated pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions, Section 6, Scheduling and Curtailment of Discoverys FERC Tariff.
If you have any questions, please contact your Volume Management Representative.