Double E Pipeline Notice 127

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TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 11/07/2022 18:06:34


Notice Stat Desc: Supersede

Notice Type Desc: Maintenance

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Double E Update

Notice Eff Date/Time: 11/04/2022 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 11/09/2022 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier: 126

Notice Text:
Earlier today, pigging operations were successfully completed on Double E Pipeline.

No additional maintenance will be performed next few weeks. Double E is planning more pig runs late November and \ or early December.

More details will be posted later this month as the schedule is finalized.

TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 11/07/2022 18:06:34


Notice Stat Desc: Supersede

Notice Type Desc: Maintenance

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Double E Update

Notice Eff Date/Time: 11/04/2022 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 11/09/2022 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier: 126

Notice Text:
Earlier today, pigging operations were successfully completed on Double E Pipeline.

No additional maintenance will be performed next few weeks. Double E is planning more pig runs late November and \ or early December.

More details will be posted later this month as the schedule is finalized.