Double E Pipeline Notice 189

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TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 09/16/2023 17:36:59


Notice Stat Desc: Supersede

Notice Type Desc: Operational Alert

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: PHP UPDATE #1

Notice Eff Date/Time: 09/16/2023 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 09/19/2023 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier: 188

Notice Text:
This update was posted to the Kinder Morgan PHP website

A detailed investigation is ongoing by operations personnel and a repair plan is in place. The repair work has begun and if the work continues as expected, we anticipate bringing the pipeline back to full service Tuesday, September 19th with the possibility of being able to accept intraday nominations for Monday, September 18th. As things progress, we will continue to provide additional updates.

TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 09/16/2023 17:36:59


Notice Stat Desc: Supersede

Notice Type Desc: Operational Alert

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: PHP UPDATE #1

Notice Eff Date/Time: 09/16/2023 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 09/19/2023 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier: 188

Notice Text:
This update was posted to the Kinder Morgan PHP website

A detailed investigation is ongoing by operations personnel and a repair plan is in place. The repair work has begun and if the work continues as expected, we anticipate bringing the pipeline back to full service Tuesday, September 19th with the possibility of being able to accept intraday nominations for Monday, September 18th. As things progress, we will continue to provide additional updates.