Double E Pipeline Notice 223

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TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 07/12/2024 09:38:52


Notice Stat Desc: Initiate

Notice Type Desc: Pipeline Conditions

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Scheduling Update for Double E Pipeline weekend July 12 - 15

Notice Eff Date/Time: 07/12/2024 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 07/19/2024 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier:

Notice Text:
For the upcoming weekend, DOUBLE E is requesting that all shippers keep their nominations on rate. NO imbalance payback will be allowed. The pipeline is experiencing high pressures as are the downstream pipes as well.

If conditions change, an update will be posted. Thanks for working with us.

Weekend on-call scheduling rep - BRUCE JONES 281-467-510 \ GAS CONTROL 832-608-6142.

TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 07/12/2024 09:38:52


Notice Stat Desc: Initiate

Notice Type Desc: Pipeline Conditions

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Scheduling Update for Double E Pipeline weekend July 12 - 15

Notice Eff Date/Time: 07/12/2024 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 07/19/2024 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier:

Notice Text:
For the upcoming weekend, DOUBLE E is requesting that all shippers keep their nominations on rate. NO imbalance payback will be allowed. The pipeline is experiencing high pressures as are the downstream pipes as well.

If conditions change, an update will be posted. Thanks for working with us.

Weekend on-call scheduling rep - BRUCE JONES 281-467-510 \ GAS CONTROL 832-608-6142.