Double E Pipeline Notice 230

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TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 08/21/2024 17:07:49

Notice Identifier: PIGGING UPDATE

Notice Stat Desc: Initiate

Notice Type Desc: Scheduling Alert

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Double E Pigging Update

Notice Eff Date/Time: 08/21/2024 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 08/23/2024 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier:

Notice Text:
Double E Pipeline will conclude pigging operations by the close of this week. The work is expected to be completed early Friday morning at the end of gas day 22. There are no more restrictions in effect that will impact trading and scheduling for gas day 23, and the weekend that follows.

For more information contact the Summit Operations Control Center (SOCC) at 832-608-6142.

TSP: 117613169

TSP Name: Double E

Posting Date/Time: 08/21/2024 17:07:49

Notice Identifier: PIGGING UPDATE

Notice Stat Desc: Initiate

Notice Type Desc: Scheduling Alert

Notice Category: Critical

Subject: Double E Pigging Update

Notice Eff Date/Time: 08/21/2024 00:00:00

Notice End Date/Time: 08/23/2024 00:00:00

Critical Desc: Yes

Notice Scope: TSP SPECIFIC

Reqrd Rsp Desc: No

Response Date/Time:

Prior Notice Identifier:

Notice Text:
Double E Pipeline will conclude pigging operations by the close of this week. The work is expected to be completed early Friday morning at the end of gas day 22. There are no more restrictions in effect that will impact trading and scheduling for gas day 23, and the weekend that follows.

For more information contact the Summit Operations Control Center (SOCC) at 832-608-6142.