Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Notice 1002971

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ritical: Y


osting Date/Time: 10/24/2024 11:34 AM


otice Stat Desc: Initiate


otice Eff Date/Time: 10/25/2024 09:00 AM


otice ID: 1002971


rior Notice:


eqrd Rsp Desc: No response required


esponse Date/Time:


otice Type Desc: Pipeline Conditions


ubject: MCS and Tpool Balancing Advisory


otice Text:


ue to the approaching end of the injection season, EGTS anticipates lower than normal daily injection availability. Capability

for short-term parks, loan paybacks, and nominations to Imbalance points are expected to be very limited.


cannot tolerate insufficient markets in its Title Transfer Tracking Pools (TPools) at Eastern Gas, South (EGTSP) and


astern Gas, North (EGTNP). In order to ensure TTT services do not interfere with the Pipeline's performance of its firm

transportation service obligations to its customers, EGTS

will reduce supply nominations to balance Title Transfer


racking pools with insufficient markets (i.e. long) starting in the Intraday 2 cycle of each gas day. This will start

effective Gas Day Friday, October 25, 2024, and continuing until further notice.


itle Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are required to equalize receipts and deliveries to eliminate TTT pool daily

imbalances on EGTS's system. The nomination of all services related to Title Transfer Tracking and its balancing are the
responsibility of the customer.


itle Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are reminded that pool activity can be monitored and ranked in Dekaflow’s


onfirmation – Tpool screen.


ection 7.3, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: Customer is required

to equalize the accounting quantities nominated for sale and for purchase under TTT Service at each Eligible Point, on each
and every Day.


ection 2.2, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: The procedures

established under this Rate Schedule do not entitle Customer to transportation or storage service under Pipeline's FERC Gas

ari separate from entitlements under the Subject Service Agreements, nor do they entitle Customer to maintain physical

imbalances on Pipeline's system.


ection 7.6, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: If any nominated

service from Pipeline under a Subject Service Agreement fails to be scheduled for any reason, e.g. because physical entities
upstream or downstream of Pipeline do not confirm such nomination, the Pipeline shall inform Customer, and the parties
shall revise nomination data on a prospective basis, to reflect the revised TTT Quantities. In order to address any mismatch in
quantities that cannot be resolved before Pipelines scheduling deadline, Customer shall provide Pipeline with predetermined
ranking instructions at the time of nominations, indicating which Subject Service Agreement(s) for Storage or Balancing
service are to be adjusted if sufficient gas is not received or if excess quantities are tendered to Pipeline. In the absence of
instructions provided by Customer, Pipeline will unilaterally determine the allocation of such quantities to Subject Service



f you have any questions, please contact your Customer Transportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.

Critical: Y
Posting Date/Time: 10/24/2024 11:34 AM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Eff Date/Time: 10/25/2024 09:00 AM
Notice ID: 1002971
Prior Notice:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Response Date/Time:
Notice Type Desc: Pipeline Conditions
Subject: MCS and Tpool Balancing Advisory
Notice Text:
Due to the approaching end of the injection season, EGTS anticipates lower than normal daily injection availability. Capability
for short-term parks, loan paybacks, and nominations to Imbalance points are expected to be very limited.
EGTS cannot tolerate insufficient markets in its Title Transfer Tracking Pools (TPools) at Eastern Gas, South (EGTSP) and
Eastern Gas, North (EGTNP). In order to ensure TTT services do not interfere with the Pipeline's performance of its firm
transportation service obligations to its customers, EGTS will reduce supply nominations to balance Title Transfer
Tracking pools with insu
cient markets (i.e. long) starting in the Intraday 2 cycle of each gas day. This will start
effective Gas Day Friday, October 25, 2024, and continuing until further notice.
Title Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are required to equalize receipts and deliveries to eliminate TTT pool daily
imbalances on EGTS's system. The nomination of all services related to Title Transfer Tracking and its balancing are the
responsibility of the customer.
Title Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are reminded that pool activity can be monitored and ranked in Dekaflow’s
Confirmation – Tpool screen.
Section 7.3, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: Customer is required
to equalize the accounting quantities nominated for sale and for purchase under TTT Service at each Eligible Point, on each
and every Day.
Section 2.2, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: The procedures
established under this Rate Schedule do not entitle Customer to transportation or storage service under Pipeline's FERC Gas
Tari separate from entitlements under the Subject Service Agreements, nor do they entitle Customer to maintain physical
imbalances on Pipeline's system.
Section 7.6, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS's FERC Gas Tariff states the following: If any nominated
service from Pipeline under a Subject Service Agreement fails to be scheduled for any reason, e.g. because physical entities
upstream or downstream of Pipeline do not confirm such nomination, the Pipeline shall inform Customer, and the parties
shall revise nomination data on a prospective basis, to reflect the revised TTT Quantities. In order to address any mismatch in
quantities that cannot be resolved before Pipelines scheduling deadline, Customer shall provide Pipeline with predetermined
ranking instructions at the time of nominations, indicating which Subject Service Agreement(s) for Storage or Balancing
service are to be adjusted if sufficient gas is not received or if excess quantities are tendered to Pipeline. In the absence of
instructions provided by Customer, Pipeline will unilaterally determine the allocation of such quantities to Subject Service
If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Transportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.
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