Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Notice 1003816

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ritical: Y


osting Date/Time: 12/19/2024 01:57 PM


otice Stat Desc: Initiate


otice Eff Date/Time: 12/21/2024 10:00 AM


otice ID: 1003816


rior Notice:


eqrd Rsp Desc: No response required


esponse Date/Time:


otice Type Desc: Operational Alert


ubject: System Alert - Conform to Scheduled Nominations


otice Text:


ective with the start of Gas Day Saturday, December 21, 2024, and continuing until further notice, the following alert

shall remain in effect on the EGTS system.


asis for Alert:


ue to anticipated system utilization and operating conditions, EGTS hereby advises its Customers that Operational Flow


rders (OFOs) may be issued in certain areas of EGTS' system. Customers are advised to continue to monitor the EBB for any


issuances. In addition, EGTS requests that Customers carefully review the requirements under their service agreements

to ensure compliance. Compliance with the service agreement/tari requirements will allow Customers to avoid additional
charges and/or penalties, as well as potentially avoid the issuance of additional OFOs.



ability to tolerate excess over deliveries by its Customers will likely be affected. Any over deliveries could jeopardize



ability to satisfy its firm obligations. This System Alert is issued pursuant to Section 26.2.D, Tariff Record No. 40.33, of

the General Terms and Conditions of the EGTS FERC Gas Tariff. A Customer's non-compliance with the provisions of its
service agreement, OFOs or critical notices could potentially affect EGTS' ability to meet its obligations to its other firm
transportation Customers. EGTS will be closely monitoring activity during this critical time and advises Customers that
violations will result in EGTS issuing Customer specific OFOs. If EGTS observes activity that creates due pipe imbalances,

will identify the cause of the imbalance and post this information on the Dekaflow EBB as an under or over

performance related notice accordingly.


ustomer Action Requested:


ach Customer receiving service under Rate Schedule FT, IT (including interruptible overruns under firm rate schedules) or


is advised to conform its receipts of gas from EGTS to that Customer's confirmed, scheduled nominations of gas being

physically received by EGTS on both an hourly and daily basis. Further, EGTS requests that any Customer who has both
service under Rate Schedule FT and Rate Schedule GSS conform its FT receipts from EGTS to that Customer's confirmed,
scheduled nominations of gas being physically received by EGTS under Rate Schedule FT; however, such FT Customer may
elect under its Rate Schedule GSS service to inject its physical transportation over deliveries into storage and to withdraw
under deliveries from storage, to the extent authorized under the applicable storage service agreements and Rate Schedules

subject to applicable nomination requirements).


lease continue to monitor these postings for further updates. If you have any questions, contact your Customer


ransportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.

Critical: Y
Posting Date/Time: 12/19/2024 01:57 PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Eff Date/Time: 12/21/2024 10:00 AM
Notice ID: 1003816
Prior Notice:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Response Date/Time:
Notice Type Desc: Operational Alert
Subject: System Alert - Conform to Scheduled Nominations
Notice Text:
Effective with the start of Gas Day Saturday, December 21, 2024, and continuing until further notice, the following alert
shall remain in effect on the EGTS system.
Basis for Alert:
Due to anticipated system utilization and operating conditions, EGTS hereby advises its Customers that Operational Flow
Orders (OFOs) may be issued in certain areas of EGTS' system. Customers are advised to continue to monitor the EBB for any
OFO issuances. In addition, EGTS requests that Customers carefully review the requirements under their service agreements
to ensure compliance. Compliance with the service agreement/tari requirements will allow Customers to avoid additional
charges and/or penalties, as well as potentially avoid the issuance of additional OFOs.
EGTS' ability to tolerate excess over deliveries by its Customers will likely be affected. Any over deliveries could jeopardize
EGTS' ability to satisfy its firm obligations. This System Alert is issued pursuant to Section 26.2.D, Tariff Record No. 40.33, of
the General Terms and Conditions of the EGTS FERC Gas Tariff. A Customer's non-compliance with the provisions of its
service agreement, OFOs or critical notices could potentially affect EGTS' ability to meet its obligations to its other firm
transportation Customers. EGTS will be closely monitoring activity during this critical time and advises Customers that
violations will result in EGTS issuing Customer specific OFOs. If EGTS observes activity that creates due pipe imbalances,
EGTS will identify the cause of the imbalance and post this information on the Dekaflow EBB as an under or over
performance related notice accordingly.
Customer Action Requested:
Each Customer receiving service under Rate Schedule FT, IT (including interruptible overruns under firm rate schedules) or
MCS is advised to conform its receipts of gas from EGTS to that Customer's confirmed, scheduled nominations of gas being
physically received by EGTS on both an hourly and daily basis. Further, EGTS requests that any Customer who has both
service under Rate Schedule FT and Rate Schedule GSS conform its FT receipts from EGTS to that Customer's confirmed,
scheduled nominations of gas being physically received by EGTS under Rate Schedule FT; however, such FT Customer may
elect under its Rate Schedule GSS service to inject its physical transportation over deliveries into storage and to withdraw
under deliveries from storage, to the extent authorized under the applicable storage service agreements and Rate Schedules
(subject to applicable nomination requirements).
Please continue to monitor these postings for further updates. If you have any questions, contact your Customer
Transportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.
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