Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Notice 1004298
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ritical: Y
osting Date/Time: 01/22/2025 07:59 PM
otice Stat Desc: Initiate
otice Eff Date/Time: 01/22/2025 07:59 PM
otice ID: 1004298
rior Notice:
eqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
esponse Date/Time:
otice Type Desc: OFO
ubject: Customer Specific OFO
otice Text:
n January 3, 2025, EGTS issued its Limited Daily and Hourly Flexibility: Manage Receipts and Deliveries (Notice ID 1004030)
directing Power Plant Operators that they must continue to provide information mandated by FERC Order No. 698, which
includes the hourly consumption profile of power generation facilities served by EGTS. EGTS will continue to review and
approve the Order No. 698 burn profiles, according to the procedures distributed to each Agent / Power Generator and
posted on EGTS’ Informational Postings website under Documentation.
s a result of a specific Customer's failure to comply with that critical notice, and its failure to stay within the parameters of
its an approved burn profile per FERC Order No. 698 and as required per EGTS' Tariff, EGTS now is issuing a Customer
pecific OFO pursuant to Section 11B.4 of the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C), effective immediately and continuing
until further notice.
his Action by EGTS is further necessitated by the specific Customer's stated intention of continued non-compliance with
' S
ystem Delivery Point Restriction unless an OFO is issued.
n order to protect EGTS' ability to maintain the operational integrity of its system , to maintain operating conditions
necessary for EGTS operations, and to ensure adequate flowing supplies are delivered to specific Receipt Points, EGTS
hereby requires the Customer specified below to adhere to their contractual obligations and to equalize its receipts of gas
consistent with its approved burn profile for each Gas Day from Pipeline to Customer's confirmed, scheduled nominations
pursuant to GT&C Section 11B.4.A.4:
ocation Name
his OFO is issued pursuant to Section 9.5.B of Rate Schedule FTNN, Tariff Record No.20.2 of EGTS' FERC Gas Tariff. Failure
to comply with this OFO will result in penalties. The penalties for violations of this OFO is based on a penalty per Dt equal to
the higher of $25.00 or three times the Penalty Index Price for hourly deliveries in excess of the quantities specified in the
. T
he Penalty Index Price is defined in Section 1.1.W in the General Terms and Conditions of EGTS' FERC Gas Tariff, as
the highest of the midpoint prices for: " Eastern Gas, South", "Transco, zone 5 del.", "Transco, zone 6 N.Y." or "Chicago city-
gates" as published in Platts Gas Daily for the flow date applicable to the day on which the penalty is incurred." Customers
are reminded that the Penalty Index Price may at times be significantly higher than $25.00. In addition, non-compliance with
this OFO could result in service reductions, liability for damages and/or the issuance of additional OFO's in accordance with
as Tariff.
lease continue to monitor these postings for further updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Customer
ransportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.
Critical: Y
Posting Date/Time: 01/22/2025 07:59 PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Eff Date/Time: 01/22/2025 07:59 PM
Notice ID: 1004298
Prior Notice:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Response Date/Time:
Notice Type Desc: OFO
Subject: Customer Specific OFO
Notice Text:
On January 3, 2025, EGTS issued its Limited Daily and Hourly Flexibility: Manage Receipts and Deliveries (Notice ID 1004030)
directing Power Plant Operators that they must continue to provide information mandated by FERC Order No. 698, which
includes the hourly consumption profile of power generation facilities served by EGTS. EGTS will continue to review and
approve the Order No. 698 burn profiles, according to the procedures distributed to each Agent / Power Generator and
posted on EGTS’ Informational Postings website under Documentation.
As a result of a specific Customer's failure to comply with that critical notice, and its failure to stay within the parameters of
its an approved burn profile per FERC Order No. 698 and as required per EGTS' Tariff, EGTS now is issuing a Customer
Specific OFO pursuant to Section 11B.4 of the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C), effective immediately and continuing
until further notice.
This Action by EGTS is further necessitated by the specific Customer's stated intention of continued non-compliance with
EGTS' System Delivery Point Restriction unless an OFO is issued.
In order to protect EGTS' ability to maintain the operational integrity of its system , to maintain operating conditions
necessary for EGTS operations, and to ensure adequate flowing supplies are delivered to specific Receipt Points, EGTS
hereby requires the Customer specified below to adhere to their contractual obligations and to equalize its receipts of gas
consistent with its approved burn profile for each Gas Day from Pipeline to Customer's confirmed, scheduled nominations
pursuant to GT&C Section 11B.4.A.4:
Location Name
This OFO is issued pursuant to Section 9.5.B of Rate Schedule FTNN, Tariff Record No.20.2 of EGTS' FERC Gas Tariff. Failure
to comply with this OFO will result in penalties. The penalties for violations of this OFO is based on a penalty per Dt equal to
the higher of $25.00 or three times the Penalty Index Price for hourly deliveries in excess of the quantities specified in the
OFO. The Penalty Index Price is defined in Section 1.1.W in the General Terms and Conditions of EGTS' FERC Gas Tariff, as
"the highest of the midpoint prices for: " Eastern Gas, South", "Transco, zone 5 del.", "Transco, zone 6 N.Y." or "Chicago city-
gates" as published in Platts Gas Daily for the flow date applicable to the day on which the penalty is incurred." Customers
are reminded that the Penalty Index Price may at times be significantly higher than $25.00. In addition, non-compliance with
this OFO could result in service reductions, liability for damages and/or the issuance of additional OFO's in accordance with
EGTS' FERC Gas Tariff.
Please continue to monitor these postings for further updates. If you have any questions, please contact your Customer
Transportation Representative or Interstate Marketing Manager.
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