Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Notice 1004625

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ritical: Y


osting Date/Time: 02/12/2025 02:38 PM


otice Stat Desc: Initiate


otice Eff Date/Time: 02/16/2025 09:00 AM


otice ID: 1004625


rior Notice:


eqrd Rsp Desc: No response required


esponse Date/Time:


otice Type Desc: OFO


ubject: OFO - Under Performance


otice Text:


ective with the

start of Gas Day Sunday, February 16, 2025, and continuing until further notice, the following OFO shall

be in effect on the EGTS system:


ustomers Affected:


ll Rate Schedule FT, FTNN, IT, MCS, TTT, and GSS Customers, including Replacement Customers under Capacity Release



asis for OFO:


&C S

ection 11.B.4.A. Balancing Transportation Service.


uring the upcoming forecasted cold weather event, receipt points on EGTS’ system may experience operational issues that

could result in a failure to flow scheduled quantities. EGTS will not allow under performance at any receipt point that EGTS
reasonably concludes may affect system integrity, the operations of the EGTS system or its ability to meet firm service
obligations to customers that are not underperforming.


ustomer Action Required:


ach affected Customer is expected to take whatever action it may deem appropriate, including, without limitation, timely

notification of its upstream suppliers or downstream markets to comply with this OFO. Receipt Point Operators will be
required to maintain physical flow rates equal to or greater than their scheduled quantities. Failure to maintain rate will result
in cuts to scheduled nominations at the Receipt Point Operator’s meter location, and absent alternatives such as no-notice
storage service entitlements, will result in cuts to scheduled nominations at corresponding Delivery Points.


eceipt Point Operators are encouraged to contact EGTS directly if the Receipt Point Operator anticipates or is experiencing

problems in real time. To the extent possible, Receipt Point Operators will be given notice of a non-performance event prior
to EGTS issuance of cuts. After a reasonable amount of time to cure the Receipt Point Operator’s non-performance, EGTS will
issue cuts.


dditionally, in order to ensure TTT services do not interfere with Pipeline’s ability to protect the integrity of its system and

performance of its firm service obligations to its customers**,** EGTS cannot tolerate insufficient supplies in its Title Transfer

racking Pools (TPools) at Eastern Gas, South (EGTSP) and Eastern Gas, North (EGTNP). In order to ensure TTT services do

not interfere with the Pipeline's performance of its firm transportation service obligations to its customers, EGTS


reduce market nominations to balance Title Transfer Tracking pools with insufficient supply (i.e. short) starting in the

vening cycle effective Gas Day Monday, February 17, 2025, and continuing until further notice.


itle Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are required to equalize receipts and deliveries to eliminate TTT pool daily

imbalances on EGTS's system. The nomination of all services related to Title Transfer Tracking and its balancing are the
responsibility of the customer.

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itle Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are reminded that pool activity can be monitored and ranked in Dekaflow’s


onfirmation - Tpool screen.


f market nomination reductions are necessary, EGTS will use customer provided rankings to the extent available, and if not,

pursuant to Section 7.6, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS’s FERC Gas Tariff, the Pipeline will unilaterally
determine the allocation.


onsequences of noncompliance: Failure to comply may result in the issuance of additional OFOs, penalties, service

reductions, liability for damages, in accordance with EGTS’ FERC Gas Tariff.


irect any inquiries to your Marketing Manager.

Critical: Y
Posting Date/Time: 02/12/2025 02:38 PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/16/2025 09:00 AM
Notice ID: 1004625
Prior Notice:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Response Date/Time:
Notice Type Desc: OFO
Subject: OFO - Under Performance
Notice Text:
Effective with the start of Gas Day Sunday, February 16, 2025, and continuing until further notice, the following OFO shall
be in effect on the EGTS system:
Customers Affected:
All Rate Schedule FT, FTNN, IT, MCS, TTT, and GSS Customers, including Replacement Customers under Capacity Release
Basis for OFO:
GT&C Section 11.B.4.A. Balancing Transportation Service.
During the upcoming forecasted cold weather event, receipt points on EGTS’ system may experience operational issues that
could result in a failure to flow scheduled quantities. EGTS will not allow under performance at any receipt point that EGTS
reasonably concludes may affect system integrity, the operations of the EGTS system or its ability to meet firm service
obligations to customers that are not underperforming.
Customer Action Required:
Each affected Customer is expected to take whatever action it may deem appropriate, including, without limitation, timely
notification of its upstream suppliers or downstream markets to comply with this OFO. Receipt Point Operators will be
required to maintain physical flow rates equal to or greater than their scheduled quantities. Failure to maintain rate will result
in cuts to scheduled nominations at the Receipt Point Operator’s meter location, and absent alternatives such as no-notice
storage service entitlements, will result in cuts to scheduled nominations at corresponding Delivery Points.
Receipt Point Operators are encouraged to contact EGTS directly if the Receipt Point Operator anticipates or is experiencing
problems in real time. To the extent possible, Receipt Point Operators will be given notice of a non-performance event prior
to EGTS issuance of cuts. After a reasonable amount of time to cure the Receipt Point Operator’s non-performance, EGTS will
issue cuts.
Additionally, in order to ensure TTT services do not interfere with Pipeline’s ability to protect the integrity of its system and
performance of its firm service obligations to its customers**,** EGTS cannot tolerate insufficient supplies in its Title Transfer
Tracking Pools (TPools) at Eastern Gas, South (EGTSP) and Eastern Gas, North (EGTNP). In order to ensure TTT services do
not interfere with the Pipeline's performance of its firm transportation service obligations to its customers, EGTS will
reduce market nominations to balance Title Transfer Tracking pools with insufficient supply (i.e. short) starting in the
Evening cycle effective Gas Day Monday, February 17, 2025, and continuing until further notice.
Title Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are required to equalize receipts and deliveries to eliminate TTT pool daily
imbalances on EGTS's system. The nomination of all services related to Title Transfer Tracking and its balancing are the
responsibility of the customer.
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Title Transfer Tracking (TTT) Pool Customers are reminded that pool activity can be monitored and ranked in Dekaflow’s
Confirmation - Tpool screen.
If market nomination reductions are necessary, EGTS will use customer provided rankings to the extent available, and if not,
pursuant to Section 7.6, Tariff Record 20.40, of the TTT Rate Schedule of EGTS’s FERC Gas Tariff, the Pipeline will unilaterally
determine the allocation.
Consequences of noncompliance: Failure to comply may result in the issuance of additional OFOs, penalties, service
reductions, liability for damages, in accordance with EGTS’ FERC Gas Tariff.
Direct any inquiries to your Marketing Manager.
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