Equitrans Notice 110294

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System Wide Notice Detail

TSP Name: EQUITRANS (TSP: 189569585)

2/22/2025 6:47 PM

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TSP Name / TSP:

EQUITRANS (189569585)

Post Date/Time:

03-16-2024 01:30:00 PM


Plasma Compressor Station Unplanned Outage 03-16-2024

Notice Type:


Notice ID:


Notice Status Description:


Critical Notice Description:

Critical Notice

Notice Effective Date:


Notice Effective Time:

01:30:00 PM

Notice End Date:


Notice End Time:

12:00:00 AM

Required Response Indicator Description:


Notice Text:

Equitrans L.P. is notifying customers of an unplanned outage at its Plasma Compressor Station impacting the March 16, 2024, Gas Day forward.

As a result, Equitrans Midstream is reducing Scheduled Quantities to 585,000 DTH through its Plasma Compressor Station impacting the
Plasma_OVC Meter which includes the following downstream locations 60062D (Isaly), 70007D (Traveler), and 75884D (Steiger Ridge Road)
effective with the ID2 Cycle Gas Day 03/16/2023 until further notice.

The duration of the outage is unknown at this time.

As a result of this maintenance customers may experience pressure fluctuations and higher than normal pressures on the following pipelines in
Mainline Operational Area 3: H-311 and H-310, Mainline Operational Area 4: H-302 and H-306, and Mainline Operational Area 2: H-148 and

Nominations will be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.8 of the General Terms and Conditions of Equitrans’ FERC Gas Tariff. Intraday
nomination changes may be required should the actual outage timeframe or level of impact differ from the estimates stated in this notification.

Customers should monitor Equitrans’ Informational Postings Website for updates to this notice and applicable posted Operationally Available

*This data represents data available within the last 3 months. For prior data to this time period, please contact your customer service representative.

System Wide Notice Detail
TSP Name: EQUITRANS (TSP: 189569585)
TSP Name / TSP:
EQUITRANS (189569585)
Post Date/Time:
03-16-2024 01:30:00 PM
Plasma Compressor Station Unplanned Outage 03-16-2024
Notice Type:
Notice ID:
Notice Status Description:
Critical Notice Description:
Critical Notice
Notice Effective Date:
Notice Effective Time:
01:30:00 PM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
12:00:00 AM
Required Response Indicator Description:
Notice Text:
Equitrans L.P. is notifying customers of an unplanned outage at its Plasma Compressor Station impacting the March 16, 2024, Gas Day forward.
As a result, Equitrans Midstream is reducing Scheduled Quantities to 585,000 DTH through its Plasma Compressor Station impacting the
Plasma_OVC Meter which includes the following downstream locations 60062D (Isaly), 70007D (Traveler), and 75884D (Steiger Ridge Road)
effective with the ID2 Cycle Gas Day 03/16/2023 until further notice.
The duration of the outage is unknown at this time.
As a result of this maintenance customers may experience pressure fluctuations and higher than normal pressures on the following pipelines in
Mainline Operational Area 3: H-311 and H-310, Mainline Operational Area 4: H-302 and H-306, and Mainline Operational Area 2: H-148 and
Nominations will be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.8 of the General Terms and Conditions of Equitrans’ FERC Gas Tariff. Intraday
nomination changes may be required should the actual outage timeframe or level of impact differ from the estimates stated in this notification.
Customers should monitor Equitrans’ Informational Postings Website for updates to this notice and applicable posted Operationally Available
*This data represents data available within the last 3 months. For prior data to this time period, please contact your customer service representative.
2/22/2025 6:47 PM
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