Equitrans Notice 111674
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System Wide Notice Detail
TSP Name: EQUITRANS (TSP: 189569585)
2/22/2025 12:33 PM
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TSP Name / TSP:
EQUITRANS (189569585)
Post Date/Time:
05-09-2024 12:58:00 PM
EGTS Pratt IC Maintenance 06-23-24
Notice Type:
Notice ID:
Notice Status Description:
Critical Notice Description:
Critical Notice
Notice Effective Date:
Notice Effective Time:
12:58:00 PM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
12:00:00 AM
Required Response Indicator Description:
Notice Text:
Equitrans L.P. is providing notice that Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage (EGTS) will be performing pipeline pigging operations on the TL-
342 Pipeline, impacting deliveries to Meter # 11027 and #11140 (Pratt) for June 23, 2024, through July 01, 2024, Gas Days.
In response to this maintenance, Operationally Available Capacity through Meter #11027 and #11140 (Pratt) will be reduced to 0 Dths for June
23, 2024, through July 01, 2024, Gas Days.
Scheduled Quantities will be adjusted not to exceed this amount. This amount is based on projected operating conditions and is subject to
Nominations will be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.8 of the General Terms and Conditions of Equitrans’ FERC Gas Tariff. Intraday
nomination changes may be required should the actual outage timeframe or level of impact differ from the estimates stated in this notification.
Please see Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage’s maintenance schedule for more information. Updates to this maintenance event can be
found via Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Informational Postings on their website
As a courtesy to our customers, Equitrans Midstream, L.P. will continue to monitor this maintenance event and post updates to its Equitrans’
Informational Postings Website
*This data represents data available within the last 3 months. For prior data to this time period, please contact your customer service representative.
TSP Name: EQUITRANS (TSP: 189569585)
TSP Name / TSP:
EQUITRANS (189569585)
Post Date/Time:
05-09-2024 12:58:00 PM
EGTS Pratt IC Maintenance 06-23-24
Notice Type:
Notice ID:
Notice Status Description:
Critical Notice Description:
Critical Notice
Notice Effective Date:
Notice Effective Time:
12:58:00 PM
Notice End Date:
Notice End Time:
12:00:00 AM
Required Response Indicator Description:
Notice Text:
Equitrans L.P. is providing notice that Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage (EGTS) will be performing pipeline pigging operations on the TL-
342 Pipeline, impacting deliveries to Meter # 11027 and #11140 (Pratt) for June 23, 2024, through July 01, 2024, Gas Days.
In response to this maintenance, Operationally Available Capacity through Meter #11027 and #11140 (Pratt) will be reduced to 0 Dths for June
23, 2024, through July 01, 2024, Gas Days.
Scheduled Quantities will be adjusted not to exceed this amount. This amount is based on projected operating conditions and is subject to
Nominations will be scheduled in accordance with Section 6.8 of the General Terms and Conditions of Equitrans’ FERC Gas Tariff. Intraday
nomination changes may be required should the actual outage timeframe or level of impact differ from the estimates stated in this notification.
Please see Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage’s maintenance schedule for more information. Updates to this maintenance event can be
found via Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage Informational Postings on their website
As a courtesy to our customers, Equitrans Midstream, L.P. will continue to monitor this maintenance event and post updates to its Equitrans’
Informational Postings Website
*This data represents data available within the last 3 months. For prior data to this time period, please contact your customer service representative.
2/22/2025 12:33 PM
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