Great Lakes Gas Transmission Notice 1014
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TSP Name
Notice ID
Notice Eff Date:
Posting Date/Time:
Notice End Date:
Notice Eff Time:
Notice Type:
Notice End Time:
Notice Status:
Required Response:
Prior Notice ID:
Response Date/Time:
Message Text
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Maintenance Schedule has been updated.
Please refer to the maintenance schedule for the projected capacity impacts. Updated items are as follows:
- Updated firm contract impact percentages for March
Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 866-454-7572.
TSP Name
Notice ID
Notice Eff Date:
Posting Date/Time:
Notice End Date:
Notice Eff Time:
Notice Type:
Notice End Time:
Notice Status:
Required Response:
Prior Notice ID:
Response Date/Time:
Message Text
Great Lakes Gas Transmission Maintenance Schedule has been updated.
Please refer to the maintenance schedule for the projected capacity impacts. Updated items are as follows:
- Updated firm contract impact percentages for March
Please direct any questions to your Account Coordinator, Customer Service Representative, or the Nominations and Scheduling hotline @ 866-454-7572.