Gulf Coast Express Pipeline Notice 203749
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TSP/TSP Name: 81252229-GULF COAST EXPRESS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): COMPUTER SYSTEM STATUS | Notice Type Desc (2): DART SYSTEM INFORMATION |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/21/2025 8:21:54AM | Notice End Date/Time: 02/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/21/2025 8:21:54 AM | Notice ID: 203749 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Technology Upgrade Changes |
Technology Upgrade Changes to Kinder Morgan
Kinder Morgan is upgrading its technological DART framework to improve future system scalability. Beginning Monday, February 24, 2025, customers may notice slight changes in the appearance of drop-down lists and certain screen displays. However, these enhancements are designed to be seamless and should not significantly impact user experience.
Should users experience any issues, please contact your Scheduler.
TSP/TSP Name: 81252229-GULF COAST EXPRESS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): COMPUTER SYSTEM STATUS | Notice Type Desc (2): DART SYSTEM INFORMATION |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/21/2025 8:21:54AM | Notice End Date/Time: 02/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/21/2025 8:21:54 AM | Notice ID: 203749 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Technology Upgrade Changes |
Technology Upgrade Changes to Kinder Morgan
Kinder Morgan is upgrading its technological DART framework to improve future system scalability. Beginning Monday, February 24, 2025, customers may notice slight changes in the appearance of drop-down lists and certain screen displays. However, these enhancements are designed to be seamless and should not significantly impact user experience.
Should users experience any issues, please contact your Scheduler.