Gulf Coast Express Pipeline Notice 203761
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TSP/TSP Name: 81252229-GULF COAST EXPRESS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): MAINTENANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): MAINTENANCE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/26/2025 9:05:00AM | Notice End Date/Time: 04/15/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/26/2025 9:05:00 AM | Notice ID: 203761 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: GCX Inspections & ESD Testing |
Starting Tuesday April 8th through and including Tuesday April 15th, Gulf Coast Express Pipeline LLC “GCX” operations will be performing warranty inspections and ESD testing at Rankin C/S, Big Wells C/S, and Devils River C/S. The total Mainline capacity on GCX will be reduced from 2,020,000 MMBtu to 1,200,000 on Tuesday April 8th through Friday April 11th, and to 1,600,000 MMBtu on Saturday April 12th through and including Tuesday April 15th.
For further information, please contact your Scheduling or Commercial representative.
TSP/TSP Name: 81252229-GULF COAST EXPRESS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): MAINTENANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): MAINTENANCE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/26/2025 9:05:00AM | Notice End Date/Time: 04/15/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/26/2025 9:05:00 AM | Notice ID: 203761 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: GCX Inspections & ESD Testing |
Starting Tuesday April 8th through and including Tuesday April 15th, Gulf Coast Express Pipeline LLC “GCX” operations will be performing warranty inspections and ESD testing at Rankin C/S, Big Wells C/S, and Devils River C/S. The total Mainline capacity on GCX will be reduced from 2,020,000 MMBtu to 1,200,000 on Tuesday April 8th through Friday April 11th, and to 1,600,000 MMBtu on Saturday April 12th through and including Tuesday April 15th.
For further information, please contact your Scheduling or Commercial representative.