Gulf South Pipeline Notice 5030776

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Post Date/Time:


08/31/2022 04:15:21PM


TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC

Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/31/2022 04:30:00PM

Notice Type Desc: Capacity Constraint

Olla Compressor Performance




Notice Stat Desc:

Prior Notice:

Notice ID:

Response Date/Time:

Reqrd Rsp Desc:

Notice End Date/Time:

Critical: Y

No response required

Gulf South is experiencing performance issues at the Olla Compressor Station. Operating capacity through
the station is impacted by approximately 50,000 Dth/day until further notice. Gulf South is evaluating
the compressor performance along with options for resolution and will provide updates accordingly.

Please contact your customer service representative if you have any questions.

Notice Text:

08/31/2022 4:17:12PM

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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP: 78444247
Category: Critical
Post Date/Time: 08/31/2022 04:15:21PM
Notice Type Desc: Capacity Constraint
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/31/2022 04:30:00PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice End Date/Time:
Notice ID: 5030776
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Subject: Olla Compressor Performance
Notice Text:
Gulf South is experiencing performance issues at the Olla Compressor Station. Operating capacity through
the station is impacted by approximately 50,000 Dth/day until further notice. Gulf South is evaluating
the compressor performance along with options for resolution and will provide updates accordingly.

Please contact your customer service representative if you have any questions.
08/31/2022 4:17:12PM
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