Gulf South Pipeline Notice 5034769

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Post Date/Time:


03/07/2024 08:03:30PM


TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC

Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/07/2024 08:05:00PM

Notice Type Desc: Over-Under Performance

Failure to take confirmed quantities - Loc 24329 Stratton Ridge to Freeport LNG




Notice Stat Desc:

Prior Notice:

Notice ID:

Response Date/Time:

Reqrd Rsp Desc:

Notice End Date/Time:

Critical: Y


No response required

Due to Customer’s failure to take confirmed quantities at Location SLN 24329 – STRATTON RIDGE (TO
FREEPORT LNG) located in Area 25, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) is notifying customers
that it anticipates confirmation reductions for the remaining nomination cycles for Gas Day 3/7/2024 and
until further notice based upon Projected Daily Quantities* at this Location.

Gulf South continues to monitor this issue and will confirm and schedule nomination cycles pursuant to
the nomination timeline.

If you have any questions, please contact your customer service representative.

* “Projected Daily Quantities” is the greater of the Elapsed Prorated Scheduled Quantity or the
Accumulated Measured Quantity plus the Estimated Measured Quantity for the balance of the Gas Day.
“Accumulated Measured Quantity” is defined as the measured quantities through the location since the
beginning of the Gas Day. The “Estimated Measured Quantity” is the number of hours remaining in the Gas
Day multiplied by the 30-minute average of the current flow rate divided by 24 hours.
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC

Notice Text:

03/07/2024 8:05:22PM

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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP: 78444247
Category: Critical
Post Date/Time: 03/07/2024 08:03:30PM
Notice Type Desc: Over-Under Performance
Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/07/2024 08:05:00PM
Notice Stat Desc: Terminate
Notice End Date/Time:
Notice ID: 5034769
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice: 5034768
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Subject: Failure to take confirmed quantities - Loc 24329 Stratton Ridge to Freeport LNG
Notice Text:
Due to Customer’s failure to take confirmed quantities at Location SLN 24329 – STRATTON RIDGE (TO
FREEPORT LNG) located in Area 25, Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) is notifying customers
that it anticipates confirmation reductions for the remaining nomination cycles for Gas Day 3/7/2024 and
until further notice based upon Projected Daily Quantities* at this Location.

Gulf South continues to monitor this issue and will confirm and schedule nomination cycles pursuant to
the nomination timeline.

If you have any questions, please contact your customer service representative.
* “Projected Daily Quantities” is the greater of the Elapsed Prorated Scheduled Quantity or the
Accumulated Measured Quantity plus the Estimated Measured Quantity for the balance of the Gas Day.
“Accumulated Measured Quantity” is defined as the measured quantities through the location since the
beginning of the Gas Day. The “Estimated Measured Quantity” is the number of hours remaining in the Gas
Day multiplied by the 30-minute average of the current flow rate divided by 24 hours.
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
03/07/2024 8:05:22PM
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