Gulf South Notice 5035296

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Post Date/Time:


08/05/2024  03:15:31PM


TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC

Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/07/2024  09:00:00AM

Notice Type Desc: Customer Services Update

NGPL- Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC EDI Confirmations




Notice Stat Desc:

Prior Notice:

Notice ID:

Response Date/Time:

Reqrd Rsp Desc:

Notice End Date/Time: 09/08/2024 09:00:00 AM

Critical: Y

No response required

Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) will commence Electronic Data Interchange (“EDI”) 
confirmations with Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC (“NGPL”) effective Timely Cycle for Gas 
Day 8/7/2024.  Customers need to ensure that nominations between all Gulf South and NGPL locations 
utilize the correct DUNS numbers referenced in the UP ID/NAME or DN ID/NAME.  Nominations with mismatches 
in these data fields will be reduced in EDI confirmations.

If you have any questions, please contact your customer service representative.

Notice Text:

08/05/2024  3:17:28PM

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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP:  78444247
Category: Critical
Post Date/Time: 08/05/2024  03:15:31PM
Notice Type Desc: Customer Services Update
Notice Effective Date/Time: 08/07/2024  09:00:00AM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice End Date/Time: 09/08/2024 09:00:00 AM
Notice ID:  5035296
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
 Subject: NGPL- Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC EDI Confirmations
Notice Text:
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) will commence Electronic Data Interchange (“EDI”) 
confirmations with Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC (“NGPL”) effective Timely Cycle for Gas 
Day 8/7/2024.  Customers need to ensure that nominations between all Gulf South and NGPL locations 
utilize the correct DUNS numbers referenced in the UP ID/NAME or DN ID/NAME.  Nominations with mismatches 
in these data fields will be reduced in EDI confirmations.
If you have any questions, please contact your customer service representative.
08/05/2024  3:17:28PM
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