Gulf South Pipeline Notice 5035797
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Post Date/Time:
12/18/2024 02:40:39PM
TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
Notice Effective Date/Time: 12/18/2024 03:00:00PM
Notice Type Desc: Imbalance Trading
Manual Posting of Imbalances for Trade
Notice Stat Desc:
Prior Notice:
Notice ID:
Response Date/Time:
Reqrd Rsp Desc:
Notice End Date/Time: 12/25/2024 09:00:00 AM
Critical: Y
No response required
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) is currently having issues in GasQuest related to the
posting of imbalances for trade. Until the system issue is resolved, Gulf South will manually provide
imbalance volumes each day for the customers who have elected in GasQuest for their quantities to be
posted. The posting will be available by 11:00 AM CST each gas day.
Gulf South will terminate this notice when the system issue is resolved.
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions regarding this posting.
Notice Text:
12/18/2024 2:41:48PM
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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP: 78444247
Category: Critical
Post Date/Time: 12/18/2024 02:40:39PM
Notice Type Desc: Imbalance Trading
Notice Effective Date/Time: 12/18/2024 03:00:00PM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice End Date/Time: 12/25/2024 09:00:00 AM
Notice ID: 5035797
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Subject: Manual Posting of Imbalances for Trade
Notice Text:
Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC (“Gulf South”) is currently having issues in GasQuest related to the
posting of imbalances for trade. Until the system issue is resolved, Gulf South will manually provide
imbalance volumes each day for the customers who have elected in GasQuest for their quantities to be
posted. The posting will be available by 11:00 AM CST each gas day.
Gulf South will terminate this notice when the system issue is resolved.
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions regarding this posting.
12/18/2024 2:41:48PM
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