Gulf South Pipeline Notice 5036039
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Critical / Planned Service Outage
Post Date/Time:
02/14/2025 09:35:54AM
TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/31/2025 09:00:00AM
Notice Type Desc: Maintenance
Harrisville Compressor Station Maintenance
Notice Stat Desc:
Prior Notice:
Notice ID:
Response Date/Time:
Reqrd Rsp Desc:
Notice End Date/Time: 04/05/2025 09:00:00 AM
Critical: Y
No response required
Gulf South will be performing maintenance on Harrisville Compressor Station.
The following scheduling group is subject to impact:
Expansion Area 19 Delivery Scheduling Group
Capacity could be impacted by as much as 100,000 dth/d for the duration of the maintenance.
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions.
Notice Text:
02/14/2025 9:36:34AM
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TSP Name: Gulf South Pipeline Company, LLC
TSP: 78444247
Category: Critical / Planned Service Outage
Post Date/Time: 02/14/2025 09:35:54AM
Notice Type Desc: Maintenance
Notice Effective Date/Time: 03/31/2025 09:00:00AM
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Notice End Date/Time: 04/05/2025 09:00:00 AM
Notice ID: 5036039
Response Date/Time:
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Subject: Harrisville Compressor Station Maintenance
Notice Text:
Gulf South will be performing maintenance on Harrisville Compressor Station.
The following scheduling group is subject to impact:
Expansion Area 19 Delivery Scheduling Group
Capacity could be impacted by as much as 100,000 dth/d for the duration of the maintenance.
Please contact your customer service representative with any questions.
02/14/2025 9:36:34AM
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