Honeoye Storage Corporation Notice 308
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Please be advised that the following OFO will be lifted
effective Gas Day 02/1/2025 Thank You for your cooperation
Please be advised that Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) will initiate an OFO
beginning GD January 4th, 2025 at 9:00 am CST.
During TGP’s OFO, Honeoye Storage Corp. (HSC) will restrict all Firm Storage
Service (FSS) nominations to not exceed each customer’s Maximum Daily
Withdrawal Qualities (MDWQ).
Further, HSC will reduce or curtail injection and/or withdrawal nominations for
PAL, ISS and PNFSS contracts.
1) All PAL customer’s MDIQ or MDWQ’s will be restricted and may be
canceled if required per operational purposes from GD January 4th, 2025,
at 9:00 am CST until further notice. All PAL nominations will be restricted
to prior approval by HSC before being confirmed.
2) All ISS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQ’s and may be
restricted or canceled if required per operational purposes from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice. All ISS nominations
will be restricted to prior approval by HSC before being confirmed.
3) All PNFSS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQs and may be
restricted or canceled if required per operational purposes from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice.
4) All FSS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQs from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice.
5) Please limit all nominations entered in the TGP Dart to actual quantities to
be flowed.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Andy Hall
Honeoye Storage Corp.
585-229-5161 (W) 585-766-8860 (C)
effective Gas Day 02/1/2025 Thank You for your cooperation
Please be advised that Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP) will initiate an OFO
beginning GD January 4th, 2025 at 9:00 am CST.
During TGP’s OFO, Honeoye Storage Corp. (HSC) will restrict all Firm Storage
Service (FSS) nominations to not exceed each customer’s Maximum Daily
Withdrawal Qualities (MDWQ).
Further, HSC will reduce or curtail injection and/or withdrawal nominations for
PAL, ISS and PNFSS contracts.
1) All PAL customer’s MDIQ or MDWQ’s will be restricted and may be
canceled if required per operational purposes from GD January 4th, 2025,
at 9:00 am CST until further notice. All PAL nominations will be restricted
to prior approval by HSC before being confirmed.
2) All ISS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQ’s and may be
restricted or canceled if required per operational purposes from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice. All ISS nominations
will be restricted to prior approval by HSC before being confirmed.
3) All PNFSS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQs and may be
restricted or canceled if required per operational purposes from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice.
4) All FSS customers will be limited to their MDIQ or MDWQs from GD
January 4th, 2025, at 9:00 am CST until further notice.
5) Please limit all nominations entered in the TGP Dart to actual quantities to
be flowed.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Andy Hall
Honeoye Storage Corp.
585-229-5161 (W) 585-766-8860 (C)