Midwestern Gas Transmission Company Notice 4941
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TSP Name: Midwestern Gas Transmission Company
TSP: 00-679-2451
Subject: Gas Day 02/12/2025 Net Pipeline Position
Notice Type: OFO
Critical: Yes
Post Date/Time:: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
NOTICE_END_DATE: 02/14/2025 09:00 am
Notice ID: 4941
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice: 4941
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date/Time:
Notice Text:
An Operational Flow Order (OFO) watch/daily imbalance charge warning has been placed on the following LMS Balancing Parties:
City of Portland
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Grain Processing Corporation
Marshall, City of
Scepter, Inc
For February 12, 2025, gas day recently ended, Midwestern Gas Transmission Company's (MGT) Net Pipeline Position (NPP) is in excess of +/- 25,000 dekatherms. In addition, the above referenced Balancing Parties each have a cumulative imbalance that is at or above 110% its Allowable Swing Quantity (ASQ) in the direction of the NPP. The warned parties can find their ASQ on the daily OBA imbalance report.
MGT is requesting that these Balancing Parties take immediate action to correct this out of tolerance imbalance situation. Failure to do so will prompt MGT to 1) invoke the Daily Imbalance Charge for the portion of the cumulative imbalance that is out of tolerance for the gas day identified above as well as 2) issue an OFO Warning for the physical interconnect locations covered by the penalized Balancing Parties.
MGT's Informational Postings site has a complete listing of the physical interconnect locations that could be affected by an OFO Warning; specifically refer to Other Postings > Pipeline Information > LMS Agreements for those Balancing Parties subject to the Daily Imbalance Charge.
TSP: 00-679-2451
Subject: Gas Day 02/12/2025 Net Pipeline Position
Notice Type: OFO
Critical: Yes
Post Date/Time:: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
NOTICE_END_DATE: 02/14/2025 09:00 am
Notice ID: 4941
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice: 4941
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date/Time:
Notice Text:
An Operational Flow Order (OFO) watch/daily imbalance charge warning has been placed on the following LMS Balancing Parties:
City of Portland
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Grain Processing Corporation
Marshall, City of
Scepter, Inc
For February 12, 2025, gas day recently ended, Midwestern Gas Transmission Company's (MGT) Net Pipeline Position (NPP) is in excess of +/- 25,000 dekatherms. In addition, the above referenced Balancing Parties each have a cumulative imbalance that is at or above 110% its Allowable Swing Quantity (ASQ) in the direction of the NPP. The warned parties can find their ASQ on the daily OBA imbalance report.
MGT is requesting that these Balancing Parties take immediate action to correct this out of tolerance imbalance situation. Failure to do so will prompt MGT to 1) invoke the Daily Imbalance Charge for the portion of the cumulative imbalance that is out of tolerance for the gas day identified above as well as 2) issue an OFO Warning for the physical interconnect locations covered by the penalized Balancing Parties.
MGT's Informational Postings site has a complete listing of the physical interconnect locations that could be affected by an OFO Warning; specifically refer to Other Postings > Pipeline Information > LMS Agreements for those Balancing Parties subject to the Daily Imbalance Charge.
TSP Name: Midwestern Gas Transmission Company
TSP: 00-679-2451
Subject: Gas Day 02/12/2025 Net Pipeline Position
Notice Type: OFO
Critical: Yes
Post Date/Time:: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
NOTICE_END_DATE: 02/14/2025 09:00 am
Notice ID: 4941
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice: 4941
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date/Time:
Notice Text:
An Operational Flow Order (OFO) watch/daily imbalance charge warning has been placed on the following LMS Balancing Parties:
City of Portland
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Grain Processing Corporation
Marshall, City of
Scepter, Inc
For February 12, 2025, gas day recently ended, Midwestern Gas Transmission Company's (MGT) Net Pipeline Position (NPP) is in excess of +/- 25,000 dekatherms. In addition, the above referenced Balancing Parties each have a cumulative imbalance that is at or above 110% its Allowable Swing Quantity (ASQ) in the direction of the NPP. The warned parties can find their ASQ on the daily OBA imbalance report.
MGT is requesting that these Balancing Parties take immediate action to correct this out of tolerance imbalance situation. Failure to do so will prompt MGT to 1) invoke the Daily Imbalance Charge for the portion of the cumulative imbalance that is out of tolerance for the gas day identified above as well as 2) issue an OFO Warning for the physical interconnect locations covered by the penalized Balancing Parties.
MGT's Informational Postings site has a complete listing of the physical interconnect locations that could be affected by an OFO Warning; specifically refer to Other Postings > Pipeline Information > LMS Agreements for those Balancing Parties subject to the Daily Imbalance Charge.
TSP: 00-679-2451
Subject: Gas Day 02/12/2025 Net Pipeline Position
Notice Type: OFO
Critical: Yes
Post Date/Time:: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/13/2025 11:03 am
NOTICE_END_DATE: 02/14/2025 09:00 am
Notice ID: 4941
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice: 4941
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp Date/Time:
Notice Text:
An Operational Flow Order (OFO) watch/daily imbalance charge warning has been placed on the following LMS Balancing Parties:
City of Portland
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc
Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
Grain Processing Corporation
Marshall, City of
Scepter, Inc
For February 12, 2025, gas day recently ended, Midwestern Gas Transmission Company's (MGT) Net Pipeline Position (NPP) is in excess of +/- 25,000 dekatherms. In addition, the above referenced Balancing Parties each have a cumulative imbalance that is at or above 110% its Allowable Swing Quantity (ASQ) in the direction of the NPP. The warned parties can find their ASQ on the daily OBA imbalance report.
MGT is requesting that these Balancing Parties take immediate action to correct this out of tolerance imbalance situation. Failure to do so will prompt MGT to 1) invoke the Daily Imbalance Charge for the portion of the cumulative imbalance that is out of tolerance for the gas day identified above as well as 2) issue an OFO Warning for the physical interconnect locations covered by the penalized Balancing Parties.
MGT's Informational Postings site has a complete listing of the physical interconnect locations that could be affected by an OFO Warning; specifically refer to Other Postings > Pipeline Information > LMS Agreements for those Balancing Parties subject to the Daily Imbalance Charge.