Millennium Pipeline Notice 25925743

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TSP Name

Millennium Pipeline Company, L.L.C.





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Operational Flow Order
Notice Stat Desc: Supersede
Prior Notice: 25923540
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



9:07:57 AM
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Subject: LIFTED: Operational Flow Order Effective Gas Day Saturday, January 25, 2025

Author: Bonnie Carroll

Notice Text

Millennium Pipeline Company (MPC) notifies shippers that the previously posted Operational Flow Order is hereby lifted effective Timely Cycle Gas Day, January 25, 2025.  However, the Operational Alert will remain in place until further notice. ***Previous Posting***
As part of its commitment to communicate current operating conditions to customers, MPC will be elevating the current Operational Alert to include an equalization OFO.  Millennium Pipeline Company, LLC (MPC) hereby notifies customers that system flexibility is projected to be limited with the forecasted sustained colder temperatures across the MPC service territory. As a result, MPC is issuing an Operational Flow Order (OFO) pursuant to the provisions of Section 17 of the General Terms and Conditions of its FERC Gas Tariff. (1) Date of issuance: January 2, 2025.(2) The OFO will become effective for Timely (TIM) cycle Gas Day Friday, January 3, 2024.(3) This OFO will remain in effect until further notice.(4) This OFO applies to all shippers.  However, receipt and delivery point operators should be aware of the requirements of this OFO to avoid adverse impacts to their customers.(5) During the effectiveness of this OFO, shippers must equalize receipts and deliveries, both on an hourly and daily basis. To avoid adverse impacts to their customers, receipt point operators must ensure that actual receipts of gas into the system are equal to or greater than scheduled receipts and delivery point operators must ensure that actual deliveries off the system are equal to or less than scheduled deliveries.Pursuant to Section 9.1 of the GT&C, MPC may refuse to deliver a shipper’s gas at a delivery point if shipper or shipper’s upstream transporter is unable to provide equivalent quantities to MPC at the receipt point. Receipt point operators should flow 98% of scheduled quantities to prevent the potential for further action.MPC reminds power plant operators that they should provide information mandated by FERC Order No. 698. Information required includes the hourly consumption profile of directly connected power generation facilities.To avoid additional restrictions, shippers should adhere as closely as practicable to ratable hourly takes or increase nominations to ensure that hourly deliveries generally match hourly takes.  (6) This OFO is necessary in order to maintain system pressures, integrity and reliability. Failure to adhere to this OFO could result in penalties and/or additional restrictions. Penalties:Pursuant to Section 19.3 of MPC’s Tariff, if a Shipper fails to comply with the OFO, a penalty will be assessed on all quantities taken or delivered in violation of the OFO based on a price per Dth equal to the greater of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or three times the midpoint of the range of prices reported for "Texas Eastern, M-3 City-gate Index Price" as published in Platts Gas Daily price survey for the days on which the Operational Flow Order is issued.  In assessing penalties, underdeliveries will be prorated among shippers that nominated receipts at the underdelivering point, unless the point operator provides more specific information to MPC
Point Restrictions: None
Segment Restrictions: Forward-haul Secondary out of path (SOP), and Interruptible (IT) transactions through the Wagoner East segment (PTJRWARW) and Minisink (MINISINK) will not be scheduled.
AutoPAL Reminder:Starting with the Timely cycle for each Gas Day the AutoPAL limit will be:AutoPAL Parks:    3,000 dthsAutoPAL Loans:   3,000 dthsMPC reminds shippers that the intent of the AutoPAL service is to utilize nominal quantities to resolve minor pool imbalances that result from small upstream or downstream reductions during the cycles of the Gas Day.  These quantities are then paid back the next cycle of the Gas Day.   Imbalance Payback:Due Shipper (DS) payback will remain off for the duration of the OFO.To avoid additional restrictions or immediate reductions to scheduled quantities, shippers should adhere as closely as practicable to ratable hourly takes.   If you have any questions, please contact your Customer Services team at 1-866-581-6487.Powerplant Operators should contact the Power Desk at 1-855-797-3375.