Mojave Pipeline Notice 623583

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TSP/TSP Name:  620365619-MOJAVE PIPELINE CO Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  12/19/2024 2:42:01PM Notice End Date/Time:  12/20/2024 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  12/19/2024 2:42:01 PM Notice ID: 623583
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Preliminary January 2025 Maintenance
Notice Text:

Start Date

End Date


Scheduling Location

Maintenance List

Base Capacity Dthd

Reduction Dthd

Net Dthd


There is no planned maintenance in January to affect Mojave Pipeline Operating Company.


TSP/TSP Name:  620365619-MOJAVE PIPELINE CO Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  MAINTENANCE Notice Type Desc (2):  MAINTENANCE
Notice Eff Date/Time:  12/19/2024 2:42:01PM Notice End Date/Time:  12/20/2024 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  12/19/2024 2:42:01 PM Notice ID: 623583
Reqrd Rsp:  5 Rsp Date: 
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE Prior Notice: 
Subject:  Preliminary January 2025 Maintenance
Notice Text:

Start Date

End Date


Scheduling Location

Maintenance List

Base Capacity Dthd

Reduction Dthd

Net Dthd


There is no planned maintenance in January to affect Mojave Pipeline Operating Company.