Monroe Gas Storage Company Notice 150

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Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC (“MGS”) has experienced damage to a pipeline lateral.

Effective immediately, MGS estimates that it currently has approximately 70,000 Dth per day of
available injection capability and 110,000 Dth per day of available withdrawal capability.

MGS has experienced a temporary reduction of approximately 700,000 Dth of available storage

Actual nomination levels and changes in facility conditions may result in curtailment to scheduled
quantities. Pursuant to MGS’s Tariff, nominations will be scheduled by priority level described in
Section 6.5(5.1).

MGS expects repair work to be completed by Gas Day November 15, 2024. If there is any change in
MGS’s expectations with respect to Customer impact or timing, we will post an update to this

If you have any questions, please contact Kobie Jone at 979-324-9166 or call the 24-hour
scheduling hotline at 713-350-2590.

Monroe Gas Storage Company, LLC (“MGS”) has experienced damage to a pipeline lateral.
Effective immediately, MGS estimates that it currently has approximately 70,000 Dth per day of
available injection capability and 110,000 Dth per day of available withdrawal capability.
MGS has experienced a temporary reduction of approximately 700,000 Dth of available storage
Actual nomination levels and changes in facility conditions may result in curtailment to scheduled
quantities. Pursuant to MGS’s Tariff, nominations will be scheduled by priority level described in
Section 6.5(5.1).
MGS expects repair work to be completed by Gas Day November 15, 2024. If there is any change in
MGS’s expectations with respect to Customer impact or timing, we will post an update to this
If you have any questions, please contact Kobie Jone at 979-324-9166 or call the 24-hour
scheduling hotline at 713-350-2590.