National Fuel Gas Supply Notice 1140959

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TSP Name: National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation - Critical Notice

TSP: 007912959

                                                                                                                        Post Date: 2/12/2025
                                                                                                                        Post Time: 03:06:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Maintenance, Curtailment, Scheduling Alert
                                                                                                                        Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1140959
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 8/1/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 9/1/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:

Subject: Line N Cleaning & ILI: August 2025
Notice Text
Line N Cleaning & ILI: August 2025

Cleaning and inline inspection of Line N will be performed between Buffalo compressor station and Service Creek Rd in August 2025.

Cleaning runs are not expected to impact shippers.

Inline inspection (1 gas day) will impact primary flows on a pro rata basis. A temporary segment constraint will be used to limit flow south to north,
from Buffalo compressor station to the Aliquippa Market Area Pooling Point. Based on firm contractual obligations, primary nominations
are anticipated to see a 20% pro rata reduction through this segment. Points impacted:

Upstream Receipt Points:

- Range Resources-Applch, LLC (4111)
- Holbrook (70015)
- Imperial Landfill from plant (IMPFROM)
- Rice Drilling B, LLC (PSP1U44941)
- Range - Kendall (PSP3104589)

Downstream Delivery Points:

- Points downstream of Buffalo compressor station

Full delivery capacity to Pennsylvania Chemicals (PSN3104629) will be available during the cleaning and ILI runs. However, any scheduled activity
impacted by a capacity reduction in the Buffalo to Aliquippa constraint must be received from northern receipt points. Impacted shippers with delivery points
downstream of Buffalo compressor station can source additional gas from northern receipt points to replace curtailed quantities from southern points.
Northern receipt points are defined as any receipt point at/or downstream of the Aliquippa Market Area Pooling Point

Updates, including specific dates, will be provided as they become available.

TSP Name: National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation - Critical Notice

TSP: 007912959

Post Date: 2/12/2025
Post Time: 03:06:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Maintenance, Curtailment, Scheduling Alert
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1140959
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 8/1/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 9/1/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:

Subject: Line N Cleaning & ILI: August 2025
Notice Text
Line N Cleaning & ILI: August 2025

Cleaning and inline inspection of Line N will be performed between Buffalo compressor station and Service Creek Rd in August 2025.

Cleaning runs are not expected to impact shippers.

Inline inspection (1 gas day) will impact primary flows on a pro rata basis. A temporary segment constraint will be used to limit flow south to north,
from Buffalo compressor station to the Aliquippa Market Area Pooling Point. Based on firm contractual obligations, primary nominations
are anticipated to see a 20% pro rata reduction through this segment. Points impacted:

Upstream Receipt Points:

- Range Resources-Applch, LLC (4111)
- Holbrook (70015)
- Imperial Landfill from plant (IMPFROM)
- Rice Drilling B, LLC (PSP1U44941)
- Range - Kendall (PSP3104589)

Downstream Delivery Points:

- Points downstream of Buffalo compressor station

Full delivery capacity to Pennsylvania Chemicals (PSN3104629) will be available during the cleaning and ILI runs. However, any scheduled activity
impacted by a capacity reduction in the Buffalo to Aliquippa constraint must be received from northern receipt points. Impacted shippers with delivery points
downstream of Buffalo compressor station can source additional gas from northern receipt points to replace curtailed quantities from southern points.
Northern receipt points are defined as any receipt point at/or downstream of the Aliquippa Market Area Pooling Point

Updates, including specific dates, will be provided as they become available.