National Fuel Gas Supply Notice 1143246
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TSP Name: National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation - Critical Notice
TSP: 007912959
Post Date: 2/21/2025
Post Time: 12:38:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Operational Alert
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1143246
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 2/21/2025 01:30:00PM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 4/16/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:
Subject: ESS/FSS Aggregate Storage Balance
Notice Text
Please be advised that the aggregate Storage Balance of all Shippers under the ESS and FSS Rate Schedules
is less than 40% of the aggregate MSQ of all Shippers under the ESS and FSS Rate Schedules.
Please refer to Supply’s tariff Sections 32.2(d), and 32.3 for further information.
TSP Name: National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation - Critical Notice
TSP: 007912959
Post Date: 2/21/2025
Post Time: 12:38:00PM CCT
Notice Type: Operational Alert
Reqrd Rsp: 5
Critical: Y
Notice ID: 1143246
Notice Status: 1
Notice Eff Date/Time: 2/21/2025 01:30:00PM CCT
Notice End Date/Time: 4/16/2025 09:00:00AM CCT
Superseded System Notice ID:
Subject: ESS/FSS Aggregate Storage Balance
Notice Text
Please be advised that the aggregate Storage Balance of all Shippers under the ESS and FSS Rate Schedules
is less than 40% of the aggregate MSQ of all Shippers under the ESS and FSS Rate Schedules.
Please refer to Supply’s tariff Sections 32.2(d), and 32.3 for further information.