Northern Border Pipeline Company Notice 25908459

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TSP Name

Northern Border Pipeline Company





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Operational Flow Order
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



1:31:49 PM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: Underperformance OFO at WBI Spring Creek Receipt-July 26, Intraday 2 Reductions

Author: Mark Begley

Notice Text

Effective with the ID2 cycle for Gas Day July 26, 2024 and Timely Cycle for Gas Day July 27, 2024, and pursuant to the Northern Border Pipeline Tariff, Section, Northern Border Pipeline is issuing an OFO until further notice. Northern Border is concerned about the operational integrity of its system as a result of Underperformance at the following receipt location:·         Spring Creek (Receipt)As a result, capacity will be lowered to 700,000 Dth effective Intraday 2 cycle July 26, and Timely cycle, July 27, until further notice. NBPL cannot absorb imbalances created by over/under deliveries off the system and reminds shippers that NBPL has no obligation to deliver gas in excess of the quantity NBPL receives from a shipper.Customers are encouraged to stay coordinated with the downstream interconnect for additional information.NBPL will continue to monitor flows and provide updates as needed.