Northern Border Pipeline Company Notice 25923512

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TSP Name

Northern Border Pipeline Company





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Maintenance
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



7:42:34 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: COMPLETED- NBPL Zeeland Station 8 Shaft Alignment (12-19-24)

Author: Mark Begley

Notice Text

NBPL notifies customers that maintenance at the Zeeland Compressor Station (CS 8) impacting the Flow Past Glen Ullin internal constraint (GlenSEG) has been completed. As a result, total capacity is restored effective ID1 12/19, and Timely 12/20. **Previous**Northern Border notifies customers the Zeeland Station 8 Shaft Alignment has been delayed until December 18 due to tool availability.  Flow Past Glen Ullin capacity for Gas Day, Tuesday, December 17 will be raised to total capacity effective for the ID2 cycle until Gas Day, Wednesday, December 18.Flow Past Glen Ullin capacity will be reduced to 2,180-MMcf/d for Wednesday, December 18 through Thursday, December 19. Please contact your Northern Border Customer Service Representative with any questions regarding nominations or scheduling at (866) 581-6487.Please contact System Operations with any questions regarding operations or facilities.