NGTL Notice 3374723611
Source LinkAll information here is provided as a service and information is not guaranteed to be accurate. PipeRiv is not responsible for any incorrect information.
Capacity Constraint
Effective Start Date Time
02/11/2025 2:38 pm
NGTL Service (USJR IT-R, NEDA FT-D) Update
Notice Text
Hidden Lake North Compressor station has returned to service. 1 of 2 units at the Alces River Compressor station has returned to service. With the facilities that have returned to service, system recovery is progressing well.
Service allowable will remain as follows until further notice:
- Upstream of Latornell at 0% IT-R and 100% FT-R
- North East Delivery Area (NEDA) at 0% IT-D and 69% FT-D
We will continue to monitor system recovery over the day. An update will be provided at 3:30PM this afternoon.
Capacity Constraint
Effective Start Date Time
02/11/2025 2:38 pm
NGTL Service (USJR IT-R, NEDA FT-D) Update
Notice Text
Hidden Lake North Compressor station has returned to service. 1 of 2 units at the Alces River Compressor station has returned to service. With the facilities that have returned to service, system recovery is progressing well.
Service allowable will remain as follows until further notice:
- Upstream of Latornell at 0% IT-R and 100% FT-R
- North East Delivery Area (NEDA) at 0% IT-D and 69% FT-D
We will continue to monitor system recovery over the day. An update will be provided at 3:30PM this afternoon.