Saltville Gas Storage Notice 150197

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TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
02:35:32 PM

No response required

SGSC Storage Conditions for 07/18/2024

Notice Text:

The following restrictions for Saltville Gas Storage Company (SGSC) will be effective for Gas Day July 18, 2024:

SGSC has restricted and sealed excess and interruptible injection activity. No increases to excess or interruptible injections will be allowed.

SGSC has scheduled and sealed injection activity. No increases in injections will be allowed.

Saltville will not permit in ground transfers from Rate Schedules ISS, IPS and ILS to Rate Schedule FSS.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.

TSP Name: 
Critical Notice Description: 
Notice Effective Date: 
Notice Effective Time: 
Notice End Date: 
Notice End Time: 
Notice Identifier: 
Notice Status Description: 
Notice Type: 
Posting Date: 
Posting Time: 
Prior Notice Identifier: 
Required Response
  Indicator Description: 
Response Date: 
Response Time: 
Saltville Gas Storage Company L.L.C.
Critical notice
09:00:00 AM
09:00:00 AM
Capacity Constraint
02:35:32 PM

No response required

SGSC Storage Conditions for 07/18/2024

Notice Text:

The following restrictions for Saltville Gas Storage Company (SGSC) will be effective for Gas Day July 18, 2024:

SGSC has restricted and sealed excess and interruptible injection activity. No increases to excess or interruptible injections will be allowed.

SGSC has scheduled and sealed injection activity. No increases in injections will be allowed.

Saltville will not permit in ground transfers from Rate Schedules ISS, IPS and ILS to Rate Schedule FSS.

Please contact your Operations Account Representative if you have any questions.