Tennessee Gas Pipeline Notice 393919
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TSP/TSP Name: 1939164-TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): MAINTENANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): MAINTENANCE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 03/03/2025 9:39:34AM | Notice End Date/Time: 03/04/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 3/3/2025 9:39:34 AM | Notice ID: 393919 |
Reqrd Rsp: 1 | Rsp Date: 03/03/2025 |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Stations 237 260 261 Updates |
Project Updates
"***Sta 260A: Solar Turbines Protective Devices
"***Sta 261: Solar Turbines Protective Devices
The following meters are available for nominations:
"***Sta 237: Unit 3A - Compressor Inspection
--3/4/25 through 3/14/25: This project will require a unit outage, which will limit throughput through the station and result in restrictions based on customer nominations. Potential out of path restrictions may be at risk.
Date Change, Previously scheduled 3/3/25 to 3/14/25.
If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduler.
TSP/TSP Name: 1939164-TENNESSEE GAS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): MAINTENANCE | Notice Type Desc (2): MAINTENANCE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 03/03/2025 9:39:34AM | Notice End Date/Time: 03/04/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 3/3/2025 9:39:34 AM | Notice ID: 393919 |
Reqrd Rsp: 1 | Rsp Date: 03/03/2025 |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Stations 237 260 261 Updates |
Project Updates
"***Sta 260A: Solar Turbines Protective Devices
"***Sta 261: Solar Turbines Protective Devices
The following meters are available for nominations:
"***Sta 237: Unit 3A - Compressor Inspection
--3/4/25 through 3/14/25: This project will require a unit outage, which will limit throughput through the station and result in restrictions based on customer nominations. Potential out of path restrictions may be at risk.
Date Change, Previously scheduled 3/3/25 to 3/14/25.
If you have any questions, please contact your Scheduler.