KM Texas Pipeline Notice 203757
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TSP/TSP Name: 131905205-KINDER MORGAN TEXAS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER | Notice Type Desc (2): OFO |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/21/2025 8:54:40AM | Notice End Date/Time: 02/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/21/2025 8:54:40 AM | Notice ID: 203757 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE | Prior Notice: 203745 |
Subject: OBO Lifted, effective 02/22/2025 |
Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline, LLC, Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline, LLC and Kinder Morgan Border Pipeline, LLC (“Kinder Morgan”) hereby notifies transport customers that the Operational Balancing Order currently in effect is being lifted effective as of 9:00am central time February 22, 2025.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Commercial representative.
TSP/TSP Name: 131905205-KINDER MORGAN TEXAS PIPELINE | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): OPERATIONAL FLOW ORDER | Notice Type Desc (2): OFO |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 02/21/2025 8:54:40AM | Notice End Date/Time: 02/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 2/21/2025 8:54:40 AM | Notice ID: 203757 |
Reqrd Rsp: 5 | Rsp Date: |
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE | Prior Notice: 203745 |
Subject: OBO Lifted, effective 02/22/2025 |
Kinder Morgan Tejas Pipeline, LLC, Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline, LLC and Kinder Morgan Border Pipeline, LLC (“Kinder Morgan”) hereby notifies transport customers that the Operational Balancing Order currently in effect is being lifted effective as of 9:00am central time February 22, 2025.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Commercial representative.