ETC Tiger Pipeline Notice 107129
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Notice Type Description: | Over-Under Performance |
Notice Identifier: | 107129 |
Critical Notice Description: | Critical notice |
Posting Date/Time: | Feb 21 2025 9:57AM |
Notice Status Description: | Initiate |
Required Response Indicator Description: | No response required |
Response Date/Time: | |
TSP: | 829521983 |
Subject: | Critical Notice Underperformance - Enable Magnolia - POI 78535 - ID 1, 2, & 3 |
Notice Effective Date/Time: | Feb 21 2025 9:49AM |
Notice End Date/Time: | Feb 22 2025 8:59AM |
Notice Text: |
Critical Notice Underperformance - Enable Magnolia - POI 78535 - ID 1, 2, & 3 Notice to Customers 2/21/25, (Enable Magnolia) location performance, ETC Tiger Pipeline Co. is concerned about the performance of the following (Enable Magnolia) location. If performance has not improved during the current gas day, ETC-Tiger Pipeline Co. may limit volumes to actual on the indicated locations for Intraday 1, 2, & 3. This could result in reductions to the shipper and/or pooler nominations receiving/delivering gas at these locations, or from the pooling area in which these locations lie. POI 78535 - Enable Magnolia |
Reason: |
Notice Type Description: | Over-Under Performance |
Notice Identifier: | 107129 |
Critical Notice Description: | Critical notice |
Posting Date/Time: | Feb 21 2025 9:57AM |
Notice Status Description: | Initiate |
Required Response Indicator Description: | No response required |
Response Date/Time: | |
TSP: | 829521983 |
Subject: | Critical Notice Underperformance - Enable Magnolia - POI 78535 - ID 1, 2, & 3 |
Notice Effective Date/Time: | Feb 21 2025 9:49AM |
Notice End Date/Time: | Feb 22 2025 8:59AM |
Notice Text: |
Critical Notice Underperformance - Enable Magnolia - POI 78535 - ID 1, 2, & 3 Notice to Customers 2/21/25, (Enable Magnolia) location performance, ETC Tiger Pipeline Co. is concerned about the performance of the following (Enable Magnolia) location. If performance has not improved during the current gas day, ETC-Tiger Pipeline Co. may limit volumes to actual on the indicated locations for Intraday 1, 2, & 3. This could result in reductions to the shipper and/or pooler nominations receiving/delivering gas at these locations, or from the pooling area in which these locations lie. POI 78535 - Enable Magnolia |
Reason: |