UGI Storage Notice 180

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Posting Date:


Notice Effective Date: 10/01/2024 5:30 PM Eastern

Notice End Date:

Until further notice

Subject: Critical Notice – Unplanned outage - Meeker Storage Field Unavailable

Due to unforeseen operational failure, UGI Meeker Storage field/facility will be unavailable for injections
or withdrawals effective immediately and until further notice.

As a result of Tioga Storage Field also being shut in due to testing, there will be no injection services or

A follow-up email and notice will be sent as soon the Meeker storage field becomes available again.

Please contact UGI Midstream group at with any questions.

Posting Date:

Notice Effective Date: 10/01/2024 5:30 PM Eastern
Notice End Date:
Until further notice
Subject: Critical Notice – Unplanned outage - Meeker Storage Field Unavailable
Due to unforeseen operational failure, UGI Meeker Storage field/facility will be unavailable for injections
or withdrawals effective immediately and until further notice.
As a result of Tioga Storage Field also being shut in due to testing, there will be no injection services or
A follow-up email and notice will be sent as soon the Meeker storage field becomes available again.
Please contact UGI Midstream group at with any questions.