Wyoming Interstate Notice 120523

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TSP/TSP Name:  30669048-WYOMING INTERSTATE CO. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  RATES AND CHARGES Notice Type Desc (2):  FUEL AND GLU
Notice Eff Date/Time:  05/16/2022 3:40:32PM Notice End Date/Time:  12/31/2049 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  5/16/2022 3:40:32 PM Notice ID: 120523
Reqrd Rsp:  1 Rsp Date:  05/16/2022
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE Prior Notice:  120382
Subject:  FL&U for Reimbursement
Notice Text:
On April 28, 2022 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. (WIC) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to adjust the quarterly Fuel, Lost & Unaccounted-for-Gas (FL&U) Percentages pursuant to General Terms and Conditions, Section 13 of WIC's Third Revised Volume No. 2 FERC Gas Tariff with a proposed effective date of June 1, 2022 as shown below:
                  FL&U PERCENTAGES    (% OF RECEIPT VOLUME)
                                           Fuel        L&U        FL&U
     Mainline System                       0.40*       0.00       0.40*  
     Powder River Incremental Lateral      0.00        0.00       0.00
     Medicine Bow Incremental Lateral      0.21*       0.00       0.21*
     Piceance Basin Incremental Lateral
          To WIC Mainline                  0.00*       0.00       0.00*
          To Other Pipelines               0.00*       0.00       0.00*  
     Kanda Incremental Lateral
          To WIC Mainline                  0.00        0.00       0.00
          To Other Pipelines               0.00        0.00       0.00 
     Diamond Mountain Compressor Station
          To WIC Mainline                  1.46*       0.00       1.46*
          To Other Pipelines               1.46*       0.00       1.46*
     No-Fuel Wheeling Area                 0.00        0.00       0.00  

*The proposed FL&U percentages have been filed at FERC in Docket No RP22-852-000 and is pending FERC action.
1.  Mainline Fuel - The general default flow direction for the WIC Mainline 
is from West to East.  Please note that on the Threemile Lateral, WIC 
Segments 418 and 420, the forward haul direction is from the WIC 
Mainline junction just West of the Wamsutter Compressor to Bitter Creek
(800115)(BTC)(WIC to/from REX) and to Threemile Meter Station 
(896114)(TML)(WIC to Overthrust).  Conversely, transactions following the
path of 896114 (TML) to 800115 (BTC) will be delivered by displacement.  
Transportation from Threemile Lateral receipt points to other 
WIC Mainline or Lateral delivery points will follow the usual forward haul/displacement rules.
2. Volumes received on Powder River or Medicine Bow Incremental Laterals and
delivered to anywhere on the WIC system will be assessed that Lateral's fuel
rate only.
3.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered to its associated WIC
Mainline lateral junction point (800561 (PJT) or 800348 (KJT)) will be
assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Transporter's Mainline System
fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain) only.
4.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered to forward haul WIC
Mainline points will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to
Transporter's Mainline System fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain)
plus the WIC Mainline FL&U rate.
5.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered by displacement to WIC
Mainline points will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to
Transporter's Mainline fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain) plus the
WIC Mainline L&U rate.
6.  Volumes received and delivered to forward haul points within the Piceance
Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing the Diamond Mountain Compressor
Station and delivered to forward haul points within the Kanda Lateral will be
assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Other Pipelines FL&U rate.
7.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or the Diamond
Mountain Compressor Station and delivered by displacement within the same
Lateral will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Other
Pipelines L&U rate only.
8.  Volumes received on the Kanda Lateral and delivered to Overthrust
(800528) (OVW) or to Kanda/WIC (800336) (KAW) will only be assessed the Kanda
or Diamond Mountain Compressor Station incremental Lateral to Other Pipelines
FL&U rate. 
9.  For the WIC No Fuel Wheeling Area, see WIC's FERC Gas Tariff, Version 
11.0.0, General Terms and Conditions, Fuel and L&U, Section 13.6(b).
Use of off-system capacity:    
WIC will directly assess Third Party FL&U charges incurred by WIC to any
Shipper utilizing off-system capacity.  Such off-system charges are in
addition to the applicable Mainline and/or Lateral rates described above.  
For additional information, please reference WIC's Tariff. If you have any
questions, please contact your WIC Account Representative.
Tim Dorpinghaus
Director, Marketing
(719) 520-4245         
TSP/TSP Name:  30669048-WYOMING INTERSTATE CO. Critical: Y
Notice Type Desc (1):  RATES AND CHARGES Notice Type Desc (2):  FUEL AND GLU
Notice Eff Date/Time:  05/16/2022 3:40:32PM Notice End Date/Time:  12/31/2049 9:00:00am
Post Date/Time:  5/16/2022 3:40:32 PM Notice ID: 120523
Reqrd Rsp:  1 Rsp Date:  05/16/2022
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE Prior Notice:  120382
Subject:  FL&U for Reimbursement
Notice Text:
On April 28, 2022 Wyoming Interstate Company, L.L.C. (WIC) filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to adjust the quarterly Fuel, Lost & Unaccounted-for-Gas (FL&U) Percentages pursuant to General Terms and Conditions, Section 13 of WIC's Third Revised Volume No. 2 FERC Gas Tariff with a proposed effective date of June 1, 2022 as shown below:
                  FL&U PERCENTAGES    (% OF RECEIPT VOLUME)
                                           Fuel        L&U        FL&U
     Mainline System                       0.40*       0.00       0.40*  
     Powder River Incremental Lateral      0.00        0.00       0.00
     Medicine Bow Incremental Lateral      0.21*       0.00       0.21*
     Piceance Basin Incremental Lateral
          To WIC Mainline                  0.00*       0.00       0.00*
          To Other Pipelines               0.00*       0.00       0.00*  
     Kanda Incremental Lateral
          To WIC Mainline                  0.00        0.00       0.00
          To Other Pipelines               0.00        0.00       0.00 
     Diamond Mountain Compressor Station
          To WIC Mainline                  1.46*       0.00       1.46*
          To Other Pipelines               1.46*       0.00       1.46*
     No-Fuel Wheeling Area                 0.00        0.00       0.00  

*The proposed FL&U percentages have been filed at FERC in Docket No RP22-852-000 and is pending FERC action.
1.  Mainline Fuel - The general default flow direction for the WIC Mainline 
is from West to East.  Please note that on the Threemile Lateral, WIC 
Segments 418 and 420, the forward haul direction is from the WIC 
Mainline junction just West of the Wamsutter Compressor to Bitter Creek
(800115)(BTC)(WIC to/from REX) and to Threemile Meter Station 
(896114)(TML)(WIC to Overthrust).  Conversely, transactions following the
path of 896114 (TML) to 800115 (BTC) will be delivered by displacement.  
Transportation from Threemile Lateral receipt points to other 
WIC Mainline or Lateral delivery points will follow the usual forward haul/displacement rules.
2. Volumes received on Powder River or Medicine Bow Incremental Laterals and
delivered to anywhere on the WIC system will be assessed that Lateral's fuel
rate only.
3.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered to its associated WIC
Mainline lateral junction point (800561 (PJT) or 800348 (KJT)) will be
assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Transporter's Mainline System
fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain) only.
4.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered to forward haul WIC
Mainline points will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to
Transporter's Mainline System fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain)
plus the WIC Mainline FL&U rate.
5.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing
the Diamond Mountain Compressor Station and delivered by displacement to WIC
Mainline points will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to
Transporter's Mainline fuel rate (Piceance/Kanda/Diamond Mountain) plus the
WIC Mainline L&U rate.
6.  Volumes received and delivered to forward haul points within the Piceance
Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or utilizing the Diamond Mountain Compressor
Station and delivered to forward haul points within the Kanda Lateral will be
assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Other Pipelines FL&U rate.
7.  Volumes received on Piceance Basin Lateral, Kanda Lateral or the Diamond
Mountain Compressor Station and delivered by displacement within the same
Lateral will be assessed the applicable incremental Lateral to Other
Pipelines L&U rate only.
8.  Volumes received on the Kanda Lateral and delivered to Overthrust
(800528) (OVW) or to Kanda/WIC (800336) (KAW) will only be assessed the Kanda
or Diamond Mountain Compressor Station incremental Lateral to Other Pipelines
FL&U rate. 
9.  For the WIC No Fuel Wheeling Area, see WIC's FERC Gas Tariff, Version 
11.0.0, General Terms and Conditions, Fuel and L&U, Section 13.6(b).
Use of off-system capacity:    
WIC will directly assess Third Party FL&U charges incurred by WIC to any
Shipper utilizing off-system capacity.  Such off-system charges are in
addition to the applicable Mainline and/or Lateral rates described above.  
For additional information, please reference WIC's Tariff. If you have any
questions, please contact your WIC Account Representative.
Tim Dorpinghaus
Director, Marketing
(719) 520-4245