
The Snowflake endpoints are public and do not require an API key.

The Snowflake endpoints provide meta information about the structure of the data available on Snowflake.

GET /snowflake/hashes

Public endpoint. Provides a list of SHA-256 hashes of the JSON provided by the other Snowflake endpoints listed on this page. The hashes endpoint makes it simple to compare hashes to see if the structure or meta information has changed.

Endpoint Example

Below is a live example that can be copy and pasted.


Below is an example result from that cURL call:

  "status": "success",
  "messages": [],
  "meta": {},
  "data": {
    "tables": "f7fafdd88d2e75bb180b124afa83011d40e60b3908d178230acfeb5d9fe5e2bf",
    "notices": "ff838786f3c743e4ee40955fa0ae469e7dfb807caa1f16ae9f25519fb0bed90d",
    "pipelines": "8ace26f11ba8ef4831f96ee95d2e9819a007550c2b6b48bebb7e2640f9ed7361"

GET /snowflake/tables

Public endpoint. Provides a list of tables available in Snowflake.

Endpoint Example

Below is a live example that can be copy and pasted.


Below is an example result from that cURL call:

  "status": "success",
  "messages": [],
  "meta": {},
  "data": [
      "name": "notices",
      "description": "The list of critical notices by the tracked pipelines.",
      "fields": [
          "name": "ID",
          "description": "The primary key.",
          "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"
          "name": "PIPELINE_ID",
          "description": "The foreign key to associate the notices to the pipelines table.",
          "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"
          "name": "SUBJECT",
          "description": "The subject of the notice.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"     
          "name": "IDENTIFIER",
          "description": "The id of the notice used by the pipeline.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "URL",
          "description": "The URL of the notice or the URL of the informational postings where the notice can be found.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "CATEGORY",
          "description": "This is the category of the notice (like Critical, Non-Critical, etc.)",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "TYPE",
          "description": "This is the type of the notice (like Maintenance, Constraint, etc.)",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "STATUS",
          "description": "This is the status of the notice. Not all pipelines provide this information so it could be an empty.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "PRIOR_IDENTIFIER",
          "description": "This field is not currently used. Some pipelines provide a prior notice identifier so in the future this may be filled with the IDENTIFIER of the prior notice.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "NOTICE",
          "description": "This is the notice text stripped of any HTML tags.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
          "name": "HTML",
          "description": "This is the notice text including HTML tags for formatting.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
          "name": "MOBILE",
          "description": "This is the notice text including HTML tags modified for easy mobile display.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
          "name": "POSTED_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline posted the notice using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezone is being used).",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "EFFECTIVE_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice becomes effective using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezone is being used).",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "END_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice ends using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezone is being used).",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "RESPONSE_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice response is needed using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezone is being used).",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "PIPERIV_CREATED_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline was added to the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "PIPERIV_UPDATED_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline was updated on the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
      "primary_key": "ID"
      "name": "pipelines",
      "description": "The list of pipelines currently being tracked.",
      "fields": [
          "name": "ID",
          "description": "The primary key.",
          "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"
          "name": "NAME",
          "description": "The name of the pipeline.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "SLUG",
          "description": "A short, lowercase, alphanumeric, dashed, non-spaced, readable identifier.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "URL",
          "description": "The URL of the informational postings for the pipeline.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "TSP_NAME",
          "description": "The Transporation Service Provider (TSP) name for the pipeline.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "TSP_ID",
          "description": "The Transporation Service Provider (TSP) id for the pipeline.",
          "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
          "name": "PIPERIV_CREATED_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline was added to the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
          "name": "PIPERIV_UPDATED_AT",
          "description": "The date and time the pipeline was updated on the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
          "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
      "primary_key": "ID"

GET /snowflake/table/notices

Public endpoint. Provides a list of fields available in the Snowflake `notices` table.

Endpoint Example

Below is a live example that can be copy and pasted.


Below is an example result from that cURL call:

  "status": "success",    
  "messages": [],
  "meta": {},
  "data": {
    "name": "notices",        
    "description": "The list of critical notices by the tracked pipelines.", 
    "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "description": "The primary key.",
        "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"
        "name": "PIPELINE_ID",    
        "description": "The foreign key to associate the notices to the pipelines table.",
        "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"     
        "name": "SUBJECT",        
        "description": "The subject of the notice.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"     
        "name": "IDENTIFIER",
        "description": "The id of the notice used by the pipeline.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"     
        "name": "URL",        
        "description": "The URL of the notice or the URL of the informational postings where the notice can be found.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "CATEGORY",
        "description": "This is the category of the notice (like Critical, Non-Critical, etc.)",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "TYPE",
        "description": "This is the type of the notice (like Maintenance, Constraint, etc.)",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "STATUS",
        "description": "This is the status of the notice. Not all pipelines provide this information so it could be an empty.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "PRIOR_IDENTIFIER",
        "description": "This field is not currently used. Some pipelines provide a prior notice identifier so in the future this may be filled with t
he IDENTIFIER of the prior notice.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "NOTICE",
        "description": "This is the notice text stripped of any HTML tags.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
        "name": "HTML",
        "description": "This is the notice text including HTML tags for formatting.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
        "name": "MOBILE",
        "description": "This is the notice text including HTML tags modified for easy mobile display.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(16777216)"
        "name": "POSTED_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline posted the notice using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezon
e is being used).",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "EFFECTIVE_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice becomes effective using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what 
timezone is being used).",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "END_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice ends using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what timezone is b
eing used).",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "RESPONSE_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline notice response is needed using the UTC timezone (note that some pipelines do not clarify what
 timezone is being used).",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "PIPERIV_CREATED_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline was added to the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "PIPERIV_UPDATED_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline was updated on the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
    "primary_key": "ID"

GET /snowflake/table/pipelines

Public endpoint. Provides a list of fields available in the Snowflake `pipelines` table.

Endpoint Example

Below is a live example that can be copy and pasted.


Below is an example result from that cURL call:

  "status": "success",
  "messages": [],
  "meta": {},
  "data": {
    "name": "pipelines",             
    "description": "The list of pipelines currently being tracked.",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "description": "The primary key.",
        "type": "NUMBER(38,0)"
        "name": "NAME",
        "description": "The name of the pipeline.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "SLUG",
        "description": "A short, lowercase, alphanumeric, dashed, non-spaced, readable identifier.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "URL",
        "description": "The URL of the informational postings for the pipeline.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "TSP_NAME",
        "description": "The Transporation Service Provider (TSP) name for the pipeline.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "TSP_ID",
        "description": "The Transporation Service Provider (TSP) id for the pipeline.",
        "type": "VARCHAR(255)"
        "name": "PIPERIV_CREATED_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline was added to the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
        "name": "PIPERIV_UPDATED_AT",
        "description": "The date and time the pipeline was updated on the PipeRiv system using the UTC timezone.",
        "type": "TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9)"
    "primary_key": "ID"