Boardwalk Storage Company Operationally Available Capacity

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ID Loc Flow QTI Zone DC OPC TSQ OAC IT All Reason
23141 Dow Hydrocarbons Delivery (To Dow) D DPQ 500,000 500,000 15,001 484,999 Y
23382 Bridgeline D DPQ 24,735 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP
23383 Acadian D DPQ 2,665 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP
23384 Crosstex D DPQ 0 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP
23385 Southern Natural D DPQ 15,000 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP
23386 Texas Eastern D DPQ 39,539 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP
23387 Florida Gas D DPQ 0 N N Design and/or operating capacity has not been specified by the TSP