Colorado Insterstate Gas Notice 122156
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TSP/TSP Name: 6914865-COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS CO. | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): FORCE MAJEURE | Notice Type Desc (2): FORCE MAJEURE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 01/21/2025 11:08:21AM | Notice End Date/Time: 01/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 1/21/2025 11:08:21 AM | Notice ID: 122156 |
Reqrd Rsp: 1 | Rsp Date: 01/21/2025 |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Force Majeure CIG - Fort Morgan Storage |
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, L.L.C. January 21, 2025 Fort Morgan Storage Force Majeure |
Colorado Interstate Gas Company's, L.L.C. (CIG) four storage fields, including the Fort Morgan Storage Field, provides No Notice Transportation (NNT) and Storage Services. CIG has experienced a leak within the dehydration system's fire tube requiring replacement. Fort Morgan will be shut down to replace the fire tube with an on-site spare. Fort Morgan is expected to return to service on Friday evening January 24th. Effective for Timely Cycle, Gas Day January 22, 2025, CIG is declaring a Force Majeure pursuant to Section 11.5 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Second Revised Volume No. 1 of CIG's FERC Gas Tariff. During this time, NNT customers should be aware that this will impact their ability to withdraw gas during this period by reducing the normal operationally Available Daily Withdrawal Quantity (ADWQ) by approximately 50% based upon the latest storage inventory available at the time of this posting. NNT customers should adjust their storage withdrawal expectations accordingly. |
Scheduling Hotline or email CIGSched
questions Contact your Marketing Representative. |
Rich Aten, Manager – Pipeline Scheduling Transportation and Storage Services Kinder Morgan Rockies Pipelines (719) 667-7527 or (719) 648-5253
TSP/TSP Name: 6914865-COLORADO INTERSTATE GAS CO. | Critical: Y |
Notice Type Desc (1): FORCE MAJEURE | Notice Type Desc (2): FORCE MAJEURE |
Notice Eff Date/Time: 01/21/2025 11:08:21AM | Notice End Date/Time: 01/22/2025 9:00:00am |
Post Date/Time: 1/21/2025 11:08:21 AM | Notice ID: 122156 |
Reqrd Rsp: 1 | Rsp Date: 01/21/2025 |
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE | Prior Notice: |
Subject: Force Majeure CIG - Fort Morgan Storage |
Colorado Interstate Gas Company, L.L.C. January 21, 2025 Fort Morgan Storage Force Majeure |
Colorado Interstate Gas Company's, L.L.C. (CIG) four storage fields, including the Fort Morgan Storage Field, provides No Notice Transportation (NNT) and Storage Services. CIG has experienced a leak within the dehydration system's fire tube requiring replacement. Fort Morgan will be shut down to replace the fire tube with an on-site spare. Fort Morgan is expected to return to service on Friday evening January 24th. Effective for Timely Cycle, Gas Day January 22, 2025, CIG is declaring a Force Majeure pursuant to Section 11.5 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Second Revised Volume No. 1 of CIG's FERC Gas Tariff. During this time, NNT customers should be aware that this will impact their ability to withdraw gas during this period by reducing the normal operationally Available Daily Withdrawal Quantity (ADWQ) by approximately 50% based upon the latest storage inventory available at the time of this posting. NNT customers should adjust their storage withdrawal expectations accordingly. |
Scheduling Hotline or email CIGSched
questions Contact your Marketing Representative. |
Rich Aten, Manager – Pipeline Scheduling Transportation and Storage Services Kinder Morgan Rockies Pipelines (719) 667-7527 or (719) 648-5253