Columbia Gulf Transmission Notice 25921967

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TSP Name

Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC





Notice ID


Notice Type Description: Maintenance
Notice Stat Desc: Initiate
Prior Notice:
Critical: Y
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No Response Required

Notice Effective
Notice End



8:48:55 AM
12:00:00 AM
12:00:00 AM

Subject: Hartsville Compressor Station Maintenance, Effective December 10-17, 2024

Author: Dillon Schoolcraft

Notice Text

Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC (CGT) reminds customers of upcoming maintenance at Hartsville Compressor Station on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 through Tuesday, December 17, 2024. As a result, the backhaul capacity through HartSEG will be reduced to a level between 2,225,000 and 2,325,000 Dth effective Timely Cycle for Gas Day December 10, 2024.       Due to the potential impact to firm service, CGT encourages customers to monitor the scheduled volumes on the Operationally Available Capacity screen on Informational Postings, as nominations can fluctuate based on market conditions.      Reservation charge credits (RCCs) will be determined per the process set forth in the General Terms and Conditions, Section 40 of CGT’s FERC Gas Tariff (“Tariff”). However, CGT will only issue RCCs if CGT is unable to schedule or deliver primary firm nominated capacity as a result of the outage. In the event RCCs are issued as set forth in the Tariff, shippers will receive RCCs based on its 7-day average usage quantity less any scheduled quantities on the contract. By means of this notice, CGT is establishing which specific Gas Days will be included when determining a shipper’s 7-day average usage quantity pursuant to the provisions in the Tariff.         Please contact your Customer Services Representative with any questions.